Part 25: Enemy territory

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"Do you guys think those explosions worked," Chrome asked.

"They should've," you said. "Since Homura's whole job is to keep an eye on us and they think we have gunpowder, she has to see what that explosion was."

"That is very true," Gen said. "But more importantly y/n-chan, how did you even convince that husband of yours to even let you come?"

"I was wondering that too," Chrome admitted. "I thought Magma was gonna come so why did he pick you?"

"Simple, because I told him I'd be a better pick," you said.

*Flashback, observatory*

"Let me go instead of Magma, Senku."

"And why exactly will I do that," Senku asked.

"Because I'll blend in better and I can be sneaky," you stated. "Besides, you know I'm stronger than I look so I can easily carry all the crap I have to carry."

"Very true," Senku admitted. "But why will I risk your life when I can send that meathead?"

"Because you and I both know I'm not taking no for an answer," you stated.

"You were always so stubborn for your own good," Senku said. "But I still don't like this."

"And I didn't like you going to get the sulfuric acid yet you still went," you pointed out.

"Yeah, but..."

You pulled Senku into a hug. "I'll be okay."

"I don't want to lose you," Senku said softly as he hugged you back.

"Hey, you know it takes a lot to keep me down," you said.

You push away from him and put your hand on his cheek.

"I'll be okay," you said softly with a genuine smile.

Senku placed his hand on top of yours as he pressed his cheek against your hand. "Promise you'll come back."

"You know even if it takes a while, I always find my way back to you," you said as you gently pulled your hand away. You then gave him a piece of wood and he saw the craving on it. It was a flask with two spears behind it in the form of an X. "Every great kingdom in history needs a symbol."

Senku smiled as he looked at the symbol. He pulled you into another hug.

"You better come back to me."

"I always do."

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too Senku."

*End of Flashback*

"The only thing is I wish we got to see the flash grenade being used," you admitted.

"A flash what," Chrome asked confused.

Gen had a bit of a horrified face. "What?! He did not."

"It was my idea," you said.

"Why would you have him make that," Gen asked.

"Because I knew it would be helpful in capturing Horuma," you said. "Plus I thought it would be really cool."

"Yep, you are Senku's wife," Gen sighed.

"What's a flash grenade," Chrome asked.

"It's an upgraded version of the sonic bomb," you explained. "It's an explosion of light."

"Holy crap! That sounds bad," Chrome exclaimed.


After a long walk and having to sled down a snowy mountain, you guys stopped to see if any of the parts of the cell phone was broken, especially the vacuum tubes. Thankfully nothing seemed to be broken but you guys thought it would be best to check on it every now and then. The cell phone rang which startled you guys since you guys didn't think anyone would call.

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