Part 20: Back to phones

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Senku lets some of the villagers use the telescope so they can see how it works. They were impressed that they could see super far away with it. Since the sun was going to raise, this was gonna show if you guys got the right rocks. The rocks did in fact glow blue which made you guys happy and gasp in excitement. Plus the rocks looked so pretty like jewels. But some were unimpressed by the rocks or didn't fully understand what you guys were gonna do with them. Kokuyo thought you guys were gonna use the rocks themselves as weapons which just made people horrified by the fact that is where his mind went or were just a bit disappointed that's where he went.

"I'm not surprised that's where his mind went but I'm still a bit disappointed," you admitted with a tired sigh.

"Cut him some slack y/n," Kohaku said. "The older generation doesn't understand some things."

Kokuyo gasps as his pride is wounded. And it hurt more that it was his own daughter

"You got a point there," you said.

Kokuyo gasps as his pride is wounded more. Not only his daughter but now the wife of the chief was roasting him. He felt such a big hole was formed in his pride.

"Look, we're up against Tsukasa's army, which is gonna be crazy ong-stray, " Gen said, trying to defuse the situation. "But if we stick to the plan and make cell phones with these rocks, we'll have a massive advantage in the information war."

"Yeah, I know, but how much longer is it going to take to make these cell phones," Kohaku asked.

"That's a good question, 'cause once spring comes, their army's gonna storm the village," Ginro exclaimed.

"Ehh. We're not far from our goal," Senku stated. "To explain things simply, the vacuum tube's the heart of the cell phone, plastic's the skeleton, the microphone's the vocal cord, and the gold wire's the veins. All we gotta do is put those four parts together and we'll have ourselves a cell phone."

The villagers gasp as they were really that close to finishing the one thing that will help them win against the Tsukasa empire.

"This project has been quite the roller coaster but at least we're getting close to the finish line," you said.

"Ha, yeah, you're right about that," Senku agreed. "So now it's time for us to make our final sprint to the end!"

"Time to get excited," you asked.

"You bet," Senku smirked and grabbed some tungsten. "The first thing we gotta do is make filaments, which are essential for vacuum tubes. And they'll be made out of tungsten. The most heat-resistant metal in the known universe waiting inside this blue light."

"Here's another question," Kohaku said. "How exactly are we gonna get it out of the stone?"

"It's going to be a pain to do it," you admitted.

You were about to answer Kohaku's question but were interrupted by the sound of smashing. You guys then notice Magma and Mantle smashing the stones.

"What the hell are you doing," Chrome asked, panicking. "Are you crazy?!"

"Huh? We're gettin' the stuff outta these rocks, man," Magma said nonchalantly as he continued to snake the rockets with a hammer. "If we smash 'em up first, it'll be easy."

"I guess that's not a bad idea," you said with your arms crossed.

"That totally works for me," Senku said. "We'll be turning it into powder anyway."

"You guys hear that," Magma asked with a smug expression. "What'd I tell you?"

"Uh! But you didn't know that," Ginro exclaimed.

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