Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries

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"We've tamed the world's most heat-resistant metal," Senku said "Which means now we have our hands on tungsten filament!" Senku looked at the tungsten filament. "With this, we have everything that we need."

"Aw, yeah! We're so close to the finish I can taste it," Chrome exclaimed.

"We might as well go in order," Old Man Kaseki said. "I think we should start with the cell phone's heart and finish makin' the darn vacuum tube."

Senku gave you the tungsten filament as he looked at the blueprint.

"But to get that part done, it's gonna take some pretty complicated glasswork," Senku admitted. He then glares at Old Man Kaseki. "I'm not entirely sure that you're up to it, old man."

"Oh, please. Give me some credit," Old Man Kaseki said. "I did make this ridiculously challenging twisty doohickey for ya earlier, didn't I? So nothin' scares me now!"

"I'm not too sure about that," you admitted as you looked at the print. "This looks pretty tough."

"Oh please, I'm sure I can handle it," Old Man Kaseki said. "Now, let me see what you've got." He snatched the print from Senku and took a look at it. He was shocked when he saw the crazy device that was drawn on it.

The device is what's known as a Hickman pump. It sucks air and is a level ten billion vacuum.

Senku looks down at one of the vacuum tubes you guys already had. "Vacuum tubes are created by removing as much air inside as possible. The pump we built before was more like a level one prototype, which worked for light bulbs. But it won't give us enough power for this job."

"I don't know where to begin," Old Man Kaseki admitted. "Is this even humanly possible?"

Gen then stood in front of Old Man Kaseki with a grin. "In Senku's, y/n's and my age, people could build them, but it was only the insanely talented super craftsmen guys. I know you're good, Kaseki, but this is a different era altogether, so you shouldn't feel too bad about it. It'll never ork-way."

"Is that true," Chrome asked.

"Well yeah but why the hell would a mentalist know the first thing about it," Senku said.

"Gen's likely just talking out of his ass to fire up Old Man Kaseki," you said. "A simple trick to get into the person's head. Simple yet effective."

Old Man Kaseki chuckled. "It's fine. I don't need you to inspire me. It's the complicated stuff that gets me fired up, anyway. But in exchange... A favor. That thing you did with Chrome, I really want you to do it with me, too."

You and Senku were surprised that Old Man Kaseki is going to make the Hickman's pump for a simple high five from Senku. But regardless, Senku gave him the high five and it was time to get to work.

Ginro had a suspicious look as he walked up to you and Senku. 'Hey, check it out. I'm sure I'm the only one who noticed, but even though Old Man Kaseki's acting like a little kid begging for that high five, he's really more concerned with helping out with the big workload."

"Yeah, any idiot could see that," Senku said.

"I know. So what exactly were you trying to get at Girno," you asked

"Hey guys."

You guys turned around to see Suika standing behind you guys with a few other kids.

"So, is there something we kids could do," Suika asked.

"Yeah, there is, actually," Senku admitted. "You guys can handle the wire."

Senku then gave Suika a high five and the kids went to work on the wire.

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