Part 56: Drones, guns and planning

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While Moz was busy giving the illusion that the invaders are this powerful force and to help Gen recommended Moz attack the confident types since they'll oversell his strength so they don't come off as weak. And while Moz was doing that, you guys were busy prepping for the upcoming battle.

"Alright, this sneaky operation is simple but should still be effective," Senku said. "Very soon, we'll be able to make our move. Once our phantom warrior thoroughly freaks the enemy forces out, its go time."

So the plan for battle was as follows:

Step 1: You guys will discreetly plant the drone somewhere that'll be a good spot for take off

Step 2: Disguise yourselves in the same disguise Moz used and get spotted.

Step 3: Get Kirisame to throw the petrifaction weapon

Step 4: Launch the drone and let it catch the weapon

"It's simple, yes. But simple and likely are different things," Gen stated. "You should really factor your rotten luck since your plans never go according to plan."

"Maybe. This is the only way tho," Senku admitted.

Ryusui sighed. "It's as good of a strategy as any. But there's one giant problem. Senku, you know Moz is gonna show up for the final, don't you?"

Senku's face fell as Ryusi was right. In order for this plan to work, both Moz and Kirisame were gonna have to be present whether you guys liked it or not.

"So yeah, it's guaranteed. The second our drone grabs the weapon from Kirisame, Moz will turn his blade on us and take his prize," Ryusui said.

The mood turns blue as the thought scares them.

"Very true captain, but don't worry, we have a plan," you said.

This catches their attention. You point behind them and they see Kaseki hard at work. Using his old glass blowing pipes, he cut them up into little short tubes, stuck them in a wheel and made another fidget spinner.

"We made another fidget spinner," Gen exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that Gen," Senku asked with a mischievous grin. "Those little gizmos are useful for way more than just distraction."

"I built them like you asked but I have no idea what these are for," Kaseki admitted. He then frowned. "Honestly, I wanna work on the drone."

"I was imagining some kind of bad weapon since it's a counter Moz thing," Chrome admitted.

"Relax Chrome, this'll be plenty bad once it's all put together," you said.

The rest look at the pieces for this weapon to deal with Moz. There were a bunch of parts from the fidget spinner to a handle. All the pieces looked to be random but after taking a good look at it, the old world people realized what these pieces were for. Some were shocked while others were a bit scared.

"Everyone from the good ol days seems to know exactly what it'll be," Suika pointed out.

"Of course," Chrome said.

"It's not too complex in terms of structure at least," Senku said.

"It really isn't," you said. "I gotta say, I'm a bit shocked considering how strict the law for these bad-boys were back then."

Senku chuckled as you leaned against him and he put his arm around you.

"I recall inmates fashioning some from junk they had on hand once so I guess this really isn't that all difficult," Ryusui said.

"All the internal stuff is where things can get tricky," Senku admitted. "Packed gun powder made from nitric acid into a small pipe. Shove a bajingo ball in and cap it."

"Oh, and then the gun powder packed into the pipe goes boom! And the ball inside goes zoom, yeah," Gen exclaimed. "I actually understand for once in my life. It's really not that complicated at all."

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