Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise

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Ukyo backed up as Senku kneeled next to you. One of your hands was on your chest while the other was resting on your side. Senku gently took the hand that was on your side and placed it on his cheek as he placed his other hand on top of your other one. The feeling of his touch was helping you regain control of your breathing.

"It's okay, you're safe," Senku said softly. "Just take nice slow and deep breaths, you're okay."

Slowly but surely your breathing was slowly going back to normal as you slowly opened your eyes.


"There you go, y/n, continue taking breaths for me," Senku said softly.

You slowly took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. After a while, you managed to calm down your breathing and relaxed. You looked around to see Kohaku, Gen, Ukyo and Senku with relieved expressions that you were okay.

You were about to say something but you groan in pain as the cut of your stomach starts to hurt. Due to the cut on your leg, you couldn't stand so Kohaku and Senku helped you back on the bed.

"How long was I asleep," you asked softly.

"Three days," Gen answered.

"I see...Guys -I um-"

Senku pulled you into a hug as you tried to find the words to apologize.

"We're glad you're finally awake but did you really have to worry us like that," Senku said softly.

"I'm sorry," you apologized.

"I was scared," Senku said. "I thought you were dead and then I came here to see you were having a panic attack. I swear you're gonna give me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry for making you worry," you said.

"Y/n, what were you dreaming about," Ukyo asked.

You flinched a bit as Senku let go of you, waiting for you to answer.

"I dreamed that Hyoga killed you all and I couldn't help," you said as you clenched your fist and started to shake a bit. "It felt so real."

"Don't worry, Hyoga and Homura are both in secure captivity," Gen reassured. "They'll not be hurting anyone anytime soon."

You sighed as you were relieved to hear that. You then played with your finger to notice something. You look at your hand to see your ring is missing.

"The rings were lost when we were in the river," Senku said.

You then noticed that Senku didn't have his either. You frowned a bit as that meant you guys no longer had your wedding rings. But at least you knew everyone was okay so at least there was that. So in a way it was kind of like a fair trade.

Gen gestured everyone to leave so you and Senku could be alone. Kohaku and Ukyo follow him out of the cave but Ukyo takes one more glance at you before leaving.

"Does it bother you," Gen asked. "The fact that she no longer needs you?"

Ukyo stopped in his tracks. "What are you talking about Gen?"

"Well from what I've heard, you and y/n were very close until you mysteriously left her. And given your reaction, this isn't the first time she has a panic attack. But unlike last time, you couldn't help this time," Gen stated. "Instead it was Senku who helped while you were helplessly watching. In a way, this was her unintentionally showing you that she doesn't need you that way. If I were you, I'd be heartbroken to see that."

Ukyo lightly chuckled. "That's an interesting observation but too bad you're off. It doesn't bother me since I knew that would happen which is why I sent Kohaku to get Senku. I know she doesn't need me anymore and Senku is the most important person to her. But that doesn't mean I won't stop trying to help and protect her. After all, she's my friend and friends help each other."

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