Part 53: Striking back with old comrades

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"Yeah. The gas just needs to touch it," Senku said. "This PythagoraSwitch Rube Goldberg machine-looking thing takes it to the flask at the end. And in it, drop by drop, we get the water from the miracle cave...Nitric acid."

"I still don't know what that nitric acid stuff is," Gen admitted. "But I do know one thing: This water we've fought for, even went to war for...isn't a miracle any longer. It's a thing made using science, in Senku's hands."

"Nice choice of words there mentalist," you said.

"Now it's certain that everyone on the planet is going to be revived," Senku said as you guys acquired nitric acid. He chuckled. "First up, why don't we start by revving everyone in the Kingdom of Science?"

"That definitely sounds like a plan," you agreed.

"Here we are, on the island where it all began... And we're stealing the petrifaction beam," Senku stated. "The final battle's about to begin!"

"This is going to be exhilarating," you said with a smirk.

Senku chuckled. "Damn straight it is."

You guys watch the PythagoraSwitch Rube Goldberg machine-looking thing make the nitric acid you guys need to revive your fallen comrades.

"Um...Is it almost done," Soyuz asked.

"Kohaku and the rest of the spy team went deep undercover to get the platinum stuff for us," Suika said.

"And now we've got our own miracle water," Senku said. "Nitric acid has been acquired."

"Oh man. It's hard to believe that the petrifaction beam nearly wiped us out over 3700 years ago," Gen said. "And then came dangerously close to doing it again on this random island just in the last week."

"We truly have had an eventful time in this new world," you said.

Senku chuckled. "But now we can unpetrify folks. At this point humanities reveal is all but guaranteed."

"Then let's not waste any time," you said. You punched your palm. "And begin the Kingdom of Science's counter attack."

"Hold on, we got our nitric acid and I know that's one of the ingredients on the gunpowder recipe," Gen stated as he got a mischievous grin. "Meaning guns are next on the menu?"

"There's no way we're making that much if it," Senku stated, making Gen frown. "We'd need to construct a freakin' whole factory to produce enough. Not to be a bummer but we're making tiny amounts with some janky ass gear. So we'll have to use it wisely."

"Plus even if we had the equipment and supplies needed, it would take months to make enough for a damn war. And we obviously don't have that much time on our side," you pointed out. "Meaning we have to make our move quick."

Senku chuckled. "Look at you using that beautiful brain of yours. And you're right. Once we get enough revival fluid to wake one friend up, we're gonna head straight over to do just that."

"So who are we gonna revive first," Soyuz asked.

"First we're saving our God-tier craftsman, Kaseki, so we can work on our drone," Senku stated.

You guys head into the forest and scope out the ship to see if you guys can see the state of your friends. Much to your guys dismay, the island people were tossing the statue pieces into the water. It wasn't too surprising but it still wasn't nice to see. However it can work in your guys favor since it would be easier and less risky to dive down and retrieve them as opposed to fighting your way on the boat. The only problem is that you guys will have to find all the pieces before the current washes them away. Meaning you guys need Ryusui.

But as luck would have it, the island people were taking Ryusui's clothes and statue with them. It is most likely that given how he dresses, they figured he was someone important, most likely the leader.

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