Part 18: Spelunking adventure

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You guys have to go exploring the cave to get more Tungstens. With the last remaining head light and the need for more brute force, Senku chose Magma to be the last member of this exploration crew.

"Senku, y/n, Chrome and Magma," Kohaku said.

"I don't know about this. Sounds kinda dangerous to me," Suika admitted.

"Yeah, I mean, are you sure this is a good idea," Ginro asked. "He could be all like, 'I'm the chief now, Senku!' and attack you or something!"

"Like I would allow that to happen," you said as you cracked your knuckles.

"We need to start moving A.S.A.P," Senku stated. "All four of us. We're gonna go down there and mine the magic stone we need for making vacuum tube filaments.Scheelite which glows blue under ultraviolet light. And from that, we'll get the most heat-resistant metal in the world: Tungsten!"

"And that little chuck Chrome's holding is a small sample," you said.

"Yeah. There's gonna be a whole bunch more down there," Chrome exclaimed.

"I'm counting on you two to take us to the cave and lead the expedition," Sneku said.

"That shouldn't be a problem for Captain Chrome," you said.

"Yeah! No problem!"

Even though you knew your way around a cave, during this time, Chrome did have more of the experience so you really were the Lieutenant while Chrome was the Captain. You noticed Magma had a look in his eyes like he was thinking. You didn't like this since it was both science users with him in a place where no one would see. Sure you were strong but it was clear that in rare strength, Magma had you beat. You then notice Gen walked up to him and he told Magma something. You couldn't make out what it was but Gen was planning something and you had a feeling you knew what it was about.

You guys then went off to the spelunking adventure and you were hoping you guys won't last long since something important was coming up in three days. You had something planned after the proposal stunt on Christmas. Going behind Senku's back, you had Kingdom of Science working on a special surprise for him. And you guys need to return by the important day for it to work.

You guys arrive at the cave and Senku puts his hand inside the stream of water.

"The water feels lukewarm," Senku stated. He chuckled. "There's definitely gonna be some treasures up ahead."

You noticed Chrome looking at Magma. It was clear that he didn't like the idea of Magma being here. After all, what happened at the Grand Bout made Magma's priorities clear along with how strong he is. It was clear that it was definitely risking bringing him along, even if you guys needed his strength.

You guys began to walk to find the treasure. Magma was walking behind you three, clearly bored and unamused by all the rocks. Senku held your hand as Chrome led the way.

"Hey, y/n, Senku, you guys sure it was a good idea to bring him," Chrome asked. "He's just a big ape who only cares about being king of the hill. I bet he's thinking right now about how to kill you two down here so he can take over the village."

Senku chuckled. "Maybe, but either way, we're still in a bind. We can't make our cell phone happen without this Tungsten. There's a supply waiting for us in the deaths of this cave. But Magma is the only one strong enough to actually dig it out."

"With that it means that we had no other choice but to bring Magma along with us," you stated.

"Yeah I know, but... Magma could easily push us into a hole and say we died accidently," Chrome said. "Plus, if he takes our heads as proof for Tsukasa that science is officially extinct, they won't have to worry about the war."

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