Part 47: Set sail for adventure

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Almost a year later of hard work and labor the ship was finally finished.

Senku chuckled. "To think this beauty only took a year. We finished quicker than I expected."

Taiju laughed. "You need some new material 'cause I've heard you say that before."

"I'm glad Why-Man was kind enough to leave us alone," Ukyo said.

"Who knows, maybe he's waiting for us to make the first move," Chrome said.

"Ha." Ryusui snapped his fingers. "That be perfect because we're about to go and look for him. We'll search the world with our new sailboat."

"Wise words captain," you said.

"Alright everyone! Gather around for a photo now that the ship's done! I want everyone in the shot with the boat in the background," Minami said as she got the camera ready.

"Just how many pictures does one reporter need? You've already got a ton," Senku said.

Minami began to shake as she clenched the camera. "But a lot of us are parting ways! Some are shipping out and some staying behind." Minami's voice began to break and shake as you all looked at her with soft expressions. "This past year may have been the last one we all got to spend together. We may never see each other again. " She looks up from the camera to show you all the tears streaming down her cheeks. "So at least let me take a picture!"

It didn't really cross your minds until now but since Minami was the one who chose who got revived, she most likely knows everyone here by name. Which means this departure is gonna be especially hard on her.

"Come on, the hell you talking about? That wasn't our last year," Senku stated. "We're ten billion percent solving the mystery of the petrifaction and we're ten billion percent making it back from the other side of the world."

"And when we do, we'll make more memories and take more pictures," you added.

Yours and Senku's words made Minami smile as she said she still wanted a photo commemorating the launching of the ship. However since she had to take the picture that meant not everyone was gonna be in it but thankfully someone was prepared. Francois being the amazing butler they are, they suspected this might happen. So they commission an automatic camera timer for this kind of situation. So with the timer, you all group together and take the picture to mark the launching of the ship Perseus on the 10th of September, 5741 AD.

After the picture you guys carefully took the ship off land and into the water.

"The science vessel Perseus. That name is just so powerful," Suika said in awe.

"Perseus was a hero from Greek mythology if I'm not mistaken," Ukyo said.

"He was. He was the one who defeated Medusa in the myth. And Medusa was someone who could turn people into stone," you answered.

Senku chuckled as he put an arm around you. "You always did love mythology."

Your cheek got a bit red. "What can I say? I'm a mythology gal."

"Well damn. Then not only is the name cool but it's fitting considering we're about to set sail. Find whoever turned humanity to stone. And capture them. Petrifaction beam and all. That's why we spent an entire year on this puppy. It's time for action!"

"That's right, we had a whole year to prepare for this moment so I hope, everyone's ready for what's next," Senku stated. "Today is the long awaited day where the Kingdom of Science splits into two teams. World exploration team that'll search for the truth. And the humanity development team who will stay behind."

"Ha-Ha! As captain of this vessel, I've prepared a list of my desired crewmates. Though I'd take each and every one of you with me if I could," Ryusui said from the ship deck."

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