Part 19: Surprise

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As Magma was getting out, you made a fire to warm yourselves up and to have a quick meal. The fire was going by the time Magma got out. You four gathered around the fire as some fish cooked over it. To further help you guys warm up, you guys wrapped yourselves in the blankets you guys brought. Magma had his own as you and Senku shared one.

Senku chuckled. "Thanks to Magma's brute strength, we were able to avoid the worst case scenario."

"You have a point there," you agreed.

"And by that, you mean..." Chrome asked.

"Obviously, he means dying, which woulda happened if he'd gotten colder," Magma stated.

Chrome glared at Magma, not a fan of the attitude.

"This is why you runts need more meat on your bones," Magma said.

"Normally dying would be the answer but in this case, you're wrong," you answered.

Magma and Chrome were confused.

"The worst-case scenario I'm talking about is that we got colder and colder until..." Senku's face had a look of fear and disgust on it as he got a mental image. "...we got so cold we had to hold each other tight to preserve our body heat."

Chrome and Magma got a similar mental image and they were so horrified and disgusted. You also weren't a fan of that for two reasons. You knew Senku wasn't a fan of physical touch and you honestly did not want that sandwich hug. Regardless of who was in the middle, it wasn't going to be something anyone would enjoy.

"I think I would've been fine without that mental image, thank you very much," Chrome said.

"Don't get me wrong, if it was just y/n and I, I wouldn't mind but I'm not a fan of a third person being in that situation," Senku admitted. "Well, at least not Magma."

"Plus you hate physical touch," you stated. "I'm literally the one exception to that."

To regard your guys energy, you guys went to sleep. When you guys woke up, you guys fixed the gear since some water was still inside. After you guys fixed it, you guys went back to finding the treasure. Chrome was so excited while Magma looked bored. Senku was getting so exhausted so you helped him walk.

After a while of walking, a colorful-striped rock came into view. The sight of this rock revived the exhausted Senku.

Senku cackled. "Just as I predicted."

Magma and Chrome were confused by this.

"That striped rock face is what I was looking for," Senku stated. "That tells me, this dungeon we're in right now? It's a skarn deposit! We can get a ridiculous amount of amazing minerals from this."

"Behold nature's treasure chest boys," you stated. "Isn't it beautiful."

"This is so bad," Chrome said. "White, black, blue, gold. It's all separated so clearly into those stripes! I've never seen a rock like this before!"

Chrome looked so excited it was honestly so precious. Meanwhile Magma was unfazed by the mineral jackpot.

"Just looks like a rock," Magma said.

"Of course you would say that," you said.

"The hot magma underground boils water that shoots up into the cracks in the limestone, the white rock that you see all over the place down here," Senku explained.

You grabbed the ladder and held it steady as Senku climbed to the rock. He took out a magnifying glass they made and inspected the rock.

"That water has all kinds of stuff inside it," Senku said. "It seeps into the rock and transforms it into other kinds of rocks. And that's how you get a skarn deposit. Nature's treasure chest."

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