Part 58: Foe turned to ally

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The boys join you guys and you all aboard the boat. Ryusui and Nikki take the paddles as you and Kinro push the boat into the water. You two hop back inside and Ryusui starts to row with Nikki's help. With that, you guys try to catch up with Magma and head to the Perseus. Gen notices you guys approach and gets excited.

"Ha-Haaa! You came for me," Gen said, excited. "Senku and the gang's all here. Get me off this wild ride!"

"Ha-Ha! We're sailing straight into the heart of the enemy," Ryusui stated.

Gen went from a relieved to a horrified expression. "You're kidding me."

"Nope. We're going on a rampage to slow down Ibara," Senku said. "The statue retrieval team needs some time so it's up to us to buy them every millisecond that we can."

"Huh?!? But there's only ten of us tho," Gen pointed out. "And we're against hundreds of hardened soldiers. Your plan's a bust."

Magma fires the gun at them but misses as you guys get closer. You guys reach the loading dock and Magma charges at the enemy like a madman. Kinro follows next to him while Nikki follows close behind him and the rest of you behind her.

"Time to die Ibara," Magma exclaimed.

He fires the gun again but misses. He shots one more time and again misses. The two bullets bounce around, destroying the boat. This scares some of the soldiers and they abandon ship.

Magma chuckles. "Now, just drop dead"

"How about you drop dead," Nikki said.

She then hit Magma in the head with a hard hammerfist. This makes Magma drop the gun and turn around, pissed at her.

"If anyone's dying, it'll be you," Magma said.

"How are you standing after that? I'm almost kind of impressed," Nikki admitted. "Well, if you wanna dance, let's dance."

You guys are then surrounded and Yo grands the gun. He checks the gun to see there are only three bullets left. So Senku gets an idea. Using some magnesium, he makes Yo use one of the bullets to shoot a firework in the air, confusing and scarring the soldiers.

"Spear of light! Unleash your furry," Gen exclaimed. "There are fifty sorcerers aboard this vessel. And every last one is gonna go pew-pew and light up the place!"

More soldiers jump off the ship, trying to save themselves.

"Alright. That bluff worked wonders," Chrome said.

Senku chuckled. "Well it kind of helps that it's not actually a bluff. That gun is legit."

"Yeah, and we're gonna need it," you said.

"Hey check it out," Chrome said, looking at the water. "A boat is coming towards us instead of fleeing."

You guys look at the water to see the person aboard the boat was Moz who seemed very pissed off.

"Shit. Of course he'd be here," you grumbled.

Senku chuckled. "Somebody's certainly punctuation. Won't be escaping or talking our way out of this one."

"It's a head on battle with the biggest and baddest of them all," Ryusui stated.

Moz gets off the boat and charges at you guys. Yo comes in with his gun and aims it at Moz. Moz jumps and gets ready to attack Yo as he pulls the trigger. And as luck would have it, Moz was faster than Yo and struck first.

He strikes Yo and sends him flying away into the water. And just like that, your big shot against Moz was gone. Kinro goes to attack Moz with his spear as you guys escape inside the ship. But Moz easy doges Kinro's attacks and makes quick work of him by hitting hard in the gut, knocking him out.

With Magma's help, Ryusui brings in Kinro and Nikki cracks her knuckles.

"Nikki, don't," you called out.

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