Part 55: Old allies, new threats

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The next one up for you guys to use the revival fluid in was Yuzuriha. You guys need her sewing skills and her amazing memory to help with the statues. So you guys cover her up with some kelp and pour the revival fluid on her. Her body begins to glow as the stone turns back skin and she comes back to life.

You were all happy to see her back to life but Taiju was the one who the most excited out of all of you.

"Yuzuriha," Taiju exclaimed as he went to hug her.

"Hi Taiju," Yuzuriha said with a warm smile and open arms.

Taiju stops mid-way and gets red in the face. He then puts his hands over hers as he looks away.

"We should just shake hands," Taiju said. "Gotta be respectful. Even when greeting close friends."

Yuzuriha laughs sheepishly as Senku rolls his eyes and you sighed.

"Did you revert to a hovering-hand middle scholar just now," Senku said.

"Yes. Yes he did," you said.

Soyuz, Kaseki and Suika went back to the pile of rocks to try and find Chrome's pieces to bring him back next. And Yuzuriha didn't miss a beat. She magically made herself an outfit and went to work assembling Chrome's statue. She fished and made him some clothes before you guys poured the revival fluid on him. His body begins to glow as the stone turns back skin and he comes back to life. Once that was done, Yuzuriha went to fix up more clothes and statues.

"It's crazy how good she is at this," Gen said. "Her super memory is something else. Adding her handicraft skills and you got one helluva puzzle solver."

"So bad," Chrome exclaimed as he had this amazed expression. "So that's how it feels to have your body petrified. Stocked we got the chance to try it. "

"Kaseki had a very similar reaction," Gen said, shocked by how the villagers are reacting to the petrifaction.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho. Chrome and I are cut from the same crafty cloth," Kaseki stated. "We are the builder duo around here. So it only makes sense. Speaking off, I'm gonna need you to hop on this project with me now that you're up and at'em Chrome."

Chrome looks at the set up Kaseki has for the drone. All the different parts and supplies he has laid out.

"No way," Chrome said.

"Drone building team is ten billion perfect ready to get to work," Senku stated.

"With that we should have this drone ready in no time," you said.

"Which means very soon our 3D warfare commences," Ryusui stated. "Of course." He snaps his fingers. "We're gonna want a 3D specialist for this. Am I wrong?"

"No you are not," you said.

Just like for Ryusui, Suika made a replica of Ukyo's old hat that was stolen out of paper. You pick her up so she can place it on Ukyo's statue. Senku then pours the revival fluid on Ukyo. His body begins to glow as the stone turns back skin and he comes back to life.

"Welcome back Apollo," you greeted.

"It's nice to be back," Ukyo said as he adjusted his hat. "So I'm guessing we need intel on the enemy. Is that right?"

"Ha-Ha. Way to get to the point," Ryusui said. "As expected of our Sonar man."

Senku chuckled. "We got it covered. Kohaku and her team on that--"

"Hang on," Ukyo said. He listened closing as he heard something. "In the water. Someone's swimming straight for us."

You all face the water. You all stand guard in case of the worst case scenario. Thankfully the mysterious person turned out to be Amaryllis. She explained to you guys that Kohaku and Ginro were petrified. Kohaku fought Moz and Ginro found out the secret of the master. Turns out the master is a statue that looks similar to Soyuz and the petrifaction beam is some kind of scientific weapon. You were all shocked by the news since it was a lot to take in at once.

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