Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!

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After Chrome's victory, due to the fact that he's not competing and is an outsider, Gen left. He stated that he came for a chat with Senku so he was gonna wait to take after he was down taking over the village. Jasper called out for the next match. You stand up and walk over to the arena where Senku was already waiting.

"Just hit me and I'll go down," Senku whispered.


You fell to your knee as you hugged your side.


Seku crouched down to you clearly worried and noticed you were shaking and hyperventilating. He saw where your hand was and saw the fabric was darker. He gently removed your hand to see you were hiding a stab wound.

"Y/n...You were stabbed," Senku asked. Senku then remembered what Kohaku said about Blaze and how he played dirty. He grit his teeth as he quickly gave a glare at Blaze who was still groggy from the fight.

"Yeah..." you groaned. "But I've been stab before so I can handl-"

You tried to get up but fell back down as you felt a sharp pain.

"Don't move," Sneku stated.

Even if you had been stabbed before, in this time, this could easily mean you could die since the supplies are very limited. Plus there were no actual doctors or medical equipment. So things such as stab wounds were a lot more deadly than before.

You groan as you tried to get up but you couldn't. This meant you were unable to fight which means Senku won by default. Kohaku helped you stand as they had to move on to the final match up, Senku vs Chrome. Winner was going to be village chief and Ruri's husband.

Senku walked over to where Chrome was laying and told him to get up. Since the plan was now for Senku to throw the fight so Chrome could win and be able to marry Ruri. However, the mixture of the exhaustion he had from fighting Magma and the relief he felt when it was clear you guys were gonna win, Chrome passed out. This meant Senku won automatically.

"Wait, so does this mean Senku won," Ginro asked.

This made Kohaku start to sweat as you still processed what was happening. The villagers started to mumble as no one really knew what to do or was going to happen.

Jasper groaned as he didn't like this one bit. "The new village chief and husband of the priestess... is the winner of the Grand Bout, Senku!"

This shocked everyone as this was something that no one saw coming in a billion years. Senku was more worried than shocked since this was the last thing he wanted. Your eyes widened.


"Well, great. This just got a hell of a lot more annoying," Senku said. "So just to be clear if I were to marry Ruri, then this entire village is mine, is that right?"

Senku took a quick glance at you as Kohaku helped you stand. You looked at him as someone just broke your heart. Senku gave you a soft look as he looked back at Ruri and walked up to her.

"Then I guess I'll do it," Senu said, which shocked everyone.

"Ah! They're married now," Suika exclaimed. "This is happening so fast!"

"Senku is married..." you said as you felt yourself losing consciousness

"Y/n," Kohaku said softly.

"No... it can't-"

You went unconscious as your arm slipped from Kohaku. You fell into the group which got everyone worried. You heard someone call out your name but couldn't tell who it was.

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