Part 26: Captured by an old friend

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As you guys continued your walk, you guys had to climb snowy hills and pass some ice rivers. When night came, you guys would make a fire and eat some of the freeze-dried ramen. When dawn broke, it was time to continue to walk. After another walk, you guys finally made it to your destination. You guys look upon the destination in front of you guys. The home base of the Tsukasa Empire.

"Finally! We're here," Chrome exclaimed loudly. "The home base of the final boss Tsukasa!"

"Don't yell like that, Chrome," Gen said softly. "Tsukasa has a guy with insanely good hearing in his army."

This caught your attention as Chrome quickly and quietly apologized.

"It'd suck to get caught after coming all this way," Chrome said as he slowly backed away. He went back all the way into a statue that had its arm out along with a number 35 on its forehead. Chrome gasped and jumped away as you and Gen approached the wall of stone people.

"That statue looks bad, guys," Chrome said. "As a matter of fact, all of them look pretty scary to me."

"No kidding and they all have a number on their face written in blood," you said.

"I think they're priority numbers that order when to revive them," Gen said. "And I'm positive they weren't there last time I saw these."

"I see," you said. "The lowest number is 33."

"So that means... since I've been gone, ol' Tsukasa has revived 32 people at the very least," Gen stated.

"Holy crap, that's pretty fast," you admit. "Guy must be in a hurry."

"Even if we can convince some of his people to come over to our side, we may not be able to keep up with how fast he's making 'em," Chrome said.

"Yeah, that is a real oblem-pray," Gen admitted.

"You know, it's a good thing Magma isn't here or else he might try to break these," you said.

"You have a point there and he hasn't shown signs of showing mercy in the past," Gen agreed.

"I honestly kind of forget about that since he's an ally now," Chrome admitted.

"Yeah, and even though it would be a good idea in theory, in reality it would be just terrible and straight up murder," you stated.

"You know, now I'm really glad you came with us instead of him y/n," Chrome admitted.

"How about we move past these statues and continue with the mission," Gen said.

You and Chrome agreed and you guys marched forward. You guys had to be extra quiet and sneaky since you guys were in enemy territory. So you guys kept quiet as you guys followed Gen.

"Where are we," Chrome asked as he looked around.

"At a grave site," Gen said as you three looked at the grave.

"I'm guessing this grave belongs to Senku to keep the illusion that he's dead," you said.

"Correct, you get ten billion points," Gen said.

You roll your eyes as you know why Senku chose his grave as the location for the cell phone. Because it would be the place Yuzuriha and Taiju would regularly visit and no one would really suspect anything since it would just be two friends paying their respects to a loved one. Not to mention, Tsukasa's men would have no interest in the grave so they won't go near it. It was the perfect place. So you guys began work on getting the cell phone in the ground and hiding it.

"Dumb stone's in the way," Chrome said. "Man, that's bad."

"Y/n-chan, can you be a dear and break this for us," Gen asked.

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