Bonus: Movie night

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*A/n: This chapter takes place before the main plot. This is the movie night y/n mentioned back in part 31*

You were sitting in class, resting your chin against your hand with a tried look. Your eyes were slightly red because you were crying a bit the night prior. Reason being was because you lost someone close to you but what made it hurt was you didn't know if he was actually dead or just left. You asked your parents but they didn't have a clue. You tried to call his family but they didn't answer you. It was almost like he just vanished. And it hurt.


You look up to see Yuzuriha hovering over you holding a bento wrapped in a pink cloth.

"Hey Yuzuriha, how are you," you asked.

"I'm okay but are you okay," Yuzuriha asked. "You were staring off into space and your eyes are a little red."

"Oh, yeah," you said as you rubbed your eyes. "I pulled an all-nighter last night. I was trying to better my sword dance for the culture festival."

"Y/n, you shouldn't push yourself too much," Yuzuriha said. "You need to give your body rest or else all the practice will be for nothing."

"Right, I'll keep that in mind, sorry," you said with a soft, little smile.

"Come on, it's lunch time and Senku is doing a test launch of the rocket today," Yuzuriha said. "And I know you don't want to miss that."

"You're right. Let's go then."

You get up from your desk and follow Yuzuriha out to the field. You walked behind her so she wouldn't see your sad features. Since no one, outside of your family knew the other side of your laugh, they wouldn't know why you were sad. You also didn't want to worry them since there was a lot going on right now. From preparing for the culture festival to personal stuff such as perfecting the rocket. They just had too much to do so you didn't want to add more to their plates.

You guys make it to the field and see Taiju and Senku already there. Taiju was eating some food while Senku was preparing the rocket for launch. Taiju gets excited when he sees you and Yuzuriha and waves hi at you guys. Senku greets you guys but doesn't take his eyes off the rocket.

"Yes, we didn't miss it," Yuzuriha said, relieved.

"Yeah. But what took you girls so long," Taiju asked.

"Sorry it was my fault," you said. "I wasn't focused and lost track of time."

This caught Taiju and Senku's attention since that wasn't like you.

"Oh no. Are you okay," Taiju asked.

"Yeah. Just tired since I was up all night," you reassured.

Taiju sighed in relief but Senku wasn't buying it. Reasoning being was because you were one of the last people to pull all-nighters. You knew how important sleep was and you were always the one scolding when he told you he pulled all-nighters which he did frequently. You always got upset when he did so he thought you saying you did one was weird.

"So Senku, ready to launch," you asked, trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, just give me another minute and we'll be good," Senku said.


You gave a little smile which made him narrow his eyes. That smile you gave looked forced. Sure if you just look at it, it would look like a normal one. But Senku's seen you smile enough times that he knows when your smile is real or what kind of smile it is. And that smile you gave him was not only fake but your eyes had sadness behind them.

After Senku was ready to launch the rocket, Yuzuriha gave him four little dolls he asked her to make. It was little dolls of the four of you and he placed them in the little seating area of the rocket he made. After that you guys took some steps back from it as Senku pressed the button. The ship launched and you guys were intensely watching.

Due to past test flights, in the back of your minds, you guys were expecting either the rocket exploding or it falling back down then breaking on impact. But none of that happened and it continued to fly. You guys got excited as the rocket flew up and disappeared into the clouds.

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