Part 14: Playing dirty

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"How does it feel Hyoga," you asked as you pointed the blade at him. "To be bested by the blades of science."

You guys stood ready to fight with your katanas as Hyoga and his men looked at you guys. With all of them with broken weapons. Hyoga's men were obviously not happy by this as Hyoga kept his poker face. His men then ran away which made Ginro so happy.

"Remarkable athleticism, combined with coordinated teamwork, and a dirty betrayal," Hyoga said.

"Well you would know about those now wouldn't you," you said.

Hyoga didn't say anything as he looked at Senku. You raised your katana to him as you put your hand in front of Senku.

"Add to that thee scientific knowledge to create guns and Japanese katanas. You people seem to know the proper way to do things," Hyoga said.

Both you and Senku had an uneasy feeling about this. Hyoga seemed so unfazed by all of this which made it seem that he almost expected this.

"What would have been more proper was if you had realized that all of this was merely a distraction."

You guys gasped as you turned to look at the village. The village was now on fire.

"Ah. So that's really why they came here," Senku said.

"I should have known Hyoga would play dirty," you said.

People screamed as they tried to get to safety. You guys then see a girl with pink hair and a matching pink outfit holding a torch walking down the bridge.

"So you have a partner now," you said. "Gotta admit I'm shocked since you were never a team player."

"Say hello to Homura, my right hand," Hyoga said. "Unlike those mush-brained macho men, she can get things done properly. She's quite thorough." He glared at you. "And can actually be useful to get the job done."

She tossed the torch to the water below and ran to Kokuyo. Kokuyo tried to attack her but she simply flipped over him which shocked him. Kohaku tried to attack her from above but she simply jumped on the rope and flipped to doge Kohaku's blade. She then flipped over the rest of you and joined Hyoga's side.

"A gymnast," you mumbled.

Hyoga and Homura walk away as the village continues to burn. The strong winds didn't help either since the strong winds will only help the fire grow. Some tried to put the fire out but it wasn't going to help. You guys helped everyone evacuate safely as the village was going down. Unfortunately you guys couldn't go to where Ruri was since the brigade was burned down. This meant the only place to go was the base of the kingdom of science. However this meant that Jasper, Turquoise and Ruri were stuck but thankfully the fire didn't spread to them so at least they were safe.

The battle team stayed on guard since they had the katanas so they could protect everyone as you guys figured out what to do. But then out of nowhere Homura came and started a fire in the middle of the area. Kohaku goes to attack her but she runs away. You guys then go to put out the fire since if you guys lose this area, you guys are screwed.

As you guys were putting out the fire, Ginro told you guys that Suika ran away.

"What? Suika ran away," Kohaku said, shocked.

"I, uh, tried to stop her," Ginro said. "But she took off toward the hot springs!"

You thought about it and remembered that the poison gas was in the same direction as the hot springs. Not to mention the winds were stronger right now and they were blowing from the mountains. You couldn't shake this bad feeling and you noticed Senku had a feeling. Your eyes then winded as you realized why you had this bad feeling.

Knowledge is loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora