Part 32: Stone Wars

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It was time for the battle between the Tsukasa Empire and the Kingdom of Science. Thankfully your guy's papercraft tank is rarin' to go. There was a newly added cannon which was gonna be the key to secure victory. Even though you guys don't have gunpowder, you guys were gonna do something similar when you guys explode to distract Homura. Using a leather rupture disk which will explode when it expands. All you guys had to do was zap some water inside the tank with electricity which will boil it and then when the oxygen and hydrogen gas that's released completely overfulls the disk it will explode. This will make it seem like you guys have a working tank but unfortunately it's a one time use which will hopefully be enough.

"As soon as we roll up in this tank, the odds are ten billion to one those modern people are gonna lose the will to fight," Senku stated.

"Ahhh. That'll scare them into giving up," Gen said.

"It should since any sane person wouldn't try to fight a mother flipped tank," you stated. "Especially in this age, it will be suicidal not to mention so freakin stupid."

Senku chuckled at your choice of words since Suika and other children were in listening range. He then hopped out of the tank and took off the little cap-helmet he was wearing. You laughed a bit at yourself since it was kind of funny that he wore that while his hair was still up. Yet that somehow didn't seem to be an issue and he did look really cute wearing it.

"If we're gonna do this with no casualties, that initial shot has to seal the deal," Kohaku stated. "We'll be relying on shock and awe!"

"Yeah. Control of the miracle cave is at stake here," Senku said. "Once it starts, we've only got a few seconds to finish. We'll throw everything the kingdom of science has at 'em." Senku grinned as he got serious. "So we need him, the toughest guy that I've ever known."

You grinned. "His crazy stamina and tank-like body will be the cheat codes we need to win."

Everyone gasped as footsteps were heard. From the shadows of the forest, a familiar spiky, brown haired boy came into view. Behind him, a familiar brunette girl. In true fashion, Taiju launched himself, trying to hug Senku but Senku dodged him.

You smiled as you honestly felt like you could start to cry. After so long, you finally got to see some friendly familiar faces that were on your side. Taiju and Yuzuriha saw you and they couldn't believe you were standing in front of them. Yuzuriha's eyes watered as she covered her mouth with her hands. Taiju's eyes watered as he looked at you.

"Nice to see you guys, it's been so long," you said with a warm smile.

"Y/n," Taiju yelled as he launched himself at you. Just like with Senku, he tried to hug you but Senku pulled you away.

"There'll be time for all this reunion crap later, right now we have important business," Senku stated.

"Right," Taiju agreed.

Yuzuriha gasped a bit as she noticed the rings you and Senku were wearing. She then remembered what Senku said to Nikki during the first call. She squealed a bit but quickly controlled herself since now wasn't the time. Taiju asked her if she was okay and she said she was perfectly fine.

"Now the kingdom of science is playing with a stack deck of cards," Senku declared. "It's the beginning of the final battle against the Tsukasa empire. So get excited, you guys."

With that, you guys headed out to battle. Yuzuriha, Ruri and the non-fighters had to stay back at the camp while the rest of you went to save humanity. It wasn't gonna be easy and you all knew that. Not including the big threats of Hyoga and Tsukasa, but the fact that the fear factor of the cannon would only last roughly twenty seconds. Which meant you guys only had the first twenty seconds of the raid and after that, some of them might start to fight. But fighting will mean people will die. So the next twenty seconds will determine the fate of humanity.

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