Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally

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You guys ran all the way out of the Tsukasa empire and when you guys deemed it safe, you guys walked for the rest of the way. You guys were so tired but you knew you had to keep moving.

You hear some movement in some bushes and you point the bamboo towards it. Chrome grit his teeth since he really didn't want to fight right now. Thankfully it wasn't an enemy but Kohaku.

You chuckled as you got deja vu. "This feels familiar."

"You guys actually escaped," Kohaku said happily. She runs up to you guys and hugs the both of you. "I was so worried."

"Sorry we made you guys worry," Chrome apologized.

"But I'm surprised you guys knew where to go," Kohakua admitted.

"To be honest we didn't," you admitted. "We just went in the direction we saw Suika go when she was scouting. We were honestly hoping you guys would find us."

Kohaku laughed. "That's fair. Come on, you two look like you need a nap so let's go."

Chrome was very tired from running so Kohaku helped him walk as you had the help of the bamboo to walk but you also weren't as tired. After a walk, instead of going to the Ishigami village, Kohaku took you guys to a nearby camp area. Apparently the kingdom of science was camping out to get ready for the war and to rescue you and Chrome.

"Chrome and y/n are back," Suika yelled out.

This alerted everyone else that you two were back. Kohaku kept her hold on Chrome as the villagers surrounded you two, welcoming you two back and wanting answers. Suika cried as she jumped into your arms.

"Nice to see you guys back," Gen welcomed. "But how did you guys manage to get out?"

"Oh that, with my awesome science and y/n's amazing weapon skills. It was like seriously bad," Chrome barged. "I just made some of that melting chemical stuff with salt water and battery. Sodium hydroxide"

"That was the plan but since he used sweat, it was more like Sodium hypochlorite," You corrected. "But it still got the job done so it's not important."

"Leave it to the Scientist's wife to know Science," Gen asked.

"Well what else would you expect?"

You guys then notice Senku approaching you guys. Gen then reminded Senku that they were doing something similar. Turns out they were making a full on, paper-armored tank to rescue you guys. Using a similar process to make the paper like how Chrome made the chemical for you guys to escape.

Gen then asked how did you guys even manage to get the battery. You said that someone just gave it to you in the middle of the night but you didn't know who it was. Chrome states that it had to be Taiju and Yuzuriha but both you and Senku said it was unlikely.

Old Man Kaseki then brings the tank they named the steam gorilla to you guys. You were impressed since it was very well made and very impressive. But Chrome, being a guy, instantly fell in love with it. And now since they didn't have to use the to save you and Chrome, now it could be used for the final battle. The battle to take control of the miracle cave. So with Taiju and the other's doing their part, it was up to Gen's skills to bring Tsukasa's people over to your guy's side.

"Be honest with me, Gen," Chrome said. "This impersonation thing, you sure it'll work?"

"Thanks to Nikki the super fan's coaching style, I can finally reproduce Lillian's voice perfectly," Gen said.

You chuckled. "She must be quite the teacher."

"You have no idea," Gen sighed. "But it will still be better if it doesn't reach Ukyo's uper-say sensitive ears. We have to be really careful he doesn't find out."

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