Part 60: Science v Medusa

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The beam then disappears and Ibara sails back to the island. He sees all the statues and lets out a sinister laugh as he walks around.

"My plan went off without a hitch and I am the last man standing. Even I can't help but throw my head back and laugh at my outrageous victory," Ibara said.

He continues up the path Oarashi to and stops when he sees the members of the Kingdom of Science in a line strike similar poses. They all had a fist in the air and seemed to be standing at equal distance from one another. He was confused by this but figures it's nothing and continues to walk to where Oarashi is.

He spots Oarashi's statue and uses a big rock to smash Oarashi's statue. The Medusa falls out of the statue and Ibarar reclaims it. With the Medusa back in his possession, he stands high and proud on the cliff and lets out a sinister laugh at his victory. His laugh was cut off when he noticed fresh footprints. And judging by the footprints, whoever they belong to, they must have ran pretty far.

Ibara follows the footprints but stops when he hears a weird static sound. He realizes it's coming for the ear price he stole from Kohaku's. But he was confused as to who could be causing this. He starts to run as the static continues.

He stops when he comes across the disguised mobile lab. He walks around and sees the door is open. He realized the mobile lab isn't an animal but just a place for your 'sorcery'. He sees one of the cell phones and one of the megaphones as pointed to the door with static noise coming from it.

Effect five meters in one second

Ibara gets scared and backs away from the lab. He lets out a terrified scream as he falls onto the ground, dropping the Medusa.

"Damn, did Ukyo get it wrong or did you just hear wrong?"

"Is my own husband really doubting my skills right now?"

"Of course not. I'd never doubt your skills. Seems like you gotta talk up close and personal with Medusa for it to work."

Ibara looks up to see Senku wearing the other cellphone and you standing next to him, holding your spear.

"Yo, how goes Ibara," Senku said.

"What's the matter you old geezer, you look like you've seen a ghost," you said.

You and Senku chuckled as Ibara was just in shock to see you two standing in front of him, not petrified.

"Seems like we're the last ones standing. Time for a boss fight worthy of a demi-gob," Senku stated. "Science v Medusa with us as the proxies ."

A smirk grew on your face as Senku chuckled. Seeing Ibara look so confused is just priceless.

"How did you two survive?! With sorcery," Ibara asked loudly as he was in utter shock. "It must be. That last beam covered the whole island. You two should be a statue!"

"Not thanks," Senku chuckled. "We can't turn to stone when there's a petrifaction weapon up for grabs. So if you got no use for it, we would be thrilled to take that thing off your hands."

*Few minutes earlier*


Hearing Taiju's warning you guys run after him trying to stop him from petrifying the entire island. Of course, some of the retiring soldiers notice you guys chasing Oarashi and try to spot you guys.

But you hit them hard in the gut with the end of the wooden end of your spear, making them fall to the ground.

Kinro, Nikki and Magam managed to catch up to Oarashi and tackle him to the ground. But due to Oarashi's miracle power, he was able to get them off him and continue running to the center of the island.

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