Part 63: Beyond the new world

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"Got the device and unlimited revival fluid," Chrome exclaimed. "By petrifying and reviving ourselves, you can heal the baddest of wounds now. Together they're the Dr. Stone set."

Mirai slightly gasped when she realized what this meant.

"So, finally we help him," Mirai said as her eyes teared up.

Senku chuckled, catching their attention.

"Yeah. Let's wake him from that cold sleep and let him thaw. We're gonna need the strongest primate high scholar. Shishio Tsukasa," Senku stated. "Also." He turned his attention to Minami and approached her. "Did you get what I asked for?"

"Yeah. They were right where you said they were. Only thing is they were broken so we had to put them back together and we're still missing an arm. But I have Blaze looking for it in that area," Minami said.

"Good. Because I want them to be the first people we revive," Senku stated. He looks over his shoulder to look at you talking with Kohaku and Ukyo. "No matter what, they're getting revived before we leave again."

Minami nodded her head as they turned their attention back to the group.

"After all this time, we can finally save my brother," Mirai said happily as her eyes teared up.

"Well it's still a pretty big gamble. There's no way to test out the process first," Senku admitted.

"Very true. Though we called it cold sleep, we really just put Tsukasa on ice," Gen said.

"Heh. But my sailors instincts tell me that's not the hole that will sink us," Ryusui said. "Ibara stabbed you right? Senku, given how pragmatic you are, you would've healed yourself with the Dr. Stone set straight away or at the very least y/n would've made you. Am I wrong?"

Neither you nor Senku say a word.

"Doubt it. The cracks on your forehead are still there. Meaning you haven't used it yet," Ryusui stated. "So you intend Tsukasa to be the first. Why is that? You must have a good reason."

"Yep. Physically we have the device. But now it's out of juice," Senku stated.

Senku's confession shocked everyone.

"It runs on batteries Senku," Taiju asked.

"Not really sure. It be great if we had the luxury of just breaking it apart and analyzing its inner workings. But there is something powering it though. You can't make unlimited energy from nothing because that defines physics," Senku stated.

"Kirisame, can you specify the light's range? The radius of the beam," you asked.

"Yes but why," Kirisame asked.

"Because Senku set a five meter range when he gave Ibara the Grogan treatment. But the light that came out was a meter or two at best, give or take," you said.

"Then your eyes must've deceived you because it's never once deviated the way you suggest," Kirisama stated.

She lightly gasped and her eyes widened as she remembered something.

But it still didn't change the fact that you guys had a petrifaction weapon that was out of juice. Nonetheless, you guys had to try so you guys head over to where Tsukasa was.

You helped Chrome open the refrigerator and mist came out as Tsukasa laid there. Senku had a pained look in his eyes as he remembered what happened.

When Hyoga attacked, leading Tsukasa to be wounded in the first place. And when he put Tsukasa in the cold sleep.

You frowned as you remember that day too. The day you were careless and not fast enough. It cost Tsukasa, resources, nearly your own life and Senku's heart.

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