Part 10: Getting hot in the arena

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You guys were so happy. Kinro did it. He actually did it. He beat Magma. However Magma pointed something out. He said that the melon-helmet was a form of their sorcery so it was possible that it was against the rules and of course that struck a nerve with Kinro. Both you and Senku had a bad feeling about this since it seemed suspicious that one, Magma would actually give a crap about the rules and two, go down so easily. However Kinro feels obligated to ask Jasper if the helmet is a violation of the rules, to which Jasper responds it's not since the melon-helmet wasn't used as a weapon. But Magma takes the opportunity and hits Kinro over the head, cracking the helmet into pieces and knocking Kinro out, allowing him to win. Magma starts to laugh as that was his plan. He knew Kinro was such a stickler for the rules that he had to ask if his victory was allowed. With Kinro knocked out, this made Magma the winner. The villagers started to cheer as Jasper picked up Kinro and Ginro ran with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Well this sucks," you groaned.

"That's just how it goes," Senku stated. "We're approaching this as a team, so as long as somebody beats Magma, we win."

"You're right about that," you agreed. "Plus it's clear that Kinro still dealt plenty of damage to Magma. So at least there's that."

The second round was gonna start and Jasper called for Chrome and Mantel. Chrome was a bit nervous that it was already his turn but both you and Senku were more worried about the next match. It was going to be Senku vs Kohaku but Kohaku still hasn't come back yet. This meant if she wasn't back by the end of Chrome's fight, she was going to be disqualified for adsense.

Suikam was confused by why Kohaku was confused so Ginro explained what happened. Suika wanted to go save her but without her glasses, she couldn't see and ended up falling down. But it's not like if she could see, it would change anything. All you guys could do was wait and just hope she gets here in time.

The villagers started to cheer as the fight began. Chrome and Mantle trade blows that don't appear to be doing much damage to either party. It honestly looked more like two toddlers fighting rather rather than an actual fight, especially after the first fight. This fight made the villagers laugh rather than actually being hype. But it was still entertaining. ANd since everyone was laughing at the show infront of them, no one but Magma noticed Kohaku returning. Magma then tells Mantle to throw the fight to which Mantle rolls onto his back and forfeits, giving Chrome the win.

It was time for the third match so Senku grabbed his weapon and waited but Kohaku was just not fast enough. Kohaku didn't make it back in time so Senku automatically advanced. This didn't really sit right with the villagers since it made no sense that Kohaku wasn't here. You sighed as Sukia began to cry. You guys then heard Kohaku come back and was glad Suika was okay. However this still didn't change the fact that Kohaku was out and costing you guys your best warrior

"What a pain," you groaned. "Why is our luck so crap today?"

"Well there's nothing we can do but just adapt to our situation," Senku said. "This just meant you are our last fighter."

"Yeah," you sighed.

You cracked knuckles as you grabbed weapons. Your opponent was a villager that was taller than you and was more toned than you. You hear people mutter and you were able to pick up that his name was blazed and he was one of the better fighters they had.

"You sure y/n can handle herself," Chrome asked.

"Yeah. Blaze is one of our top fighters in the village," Kohaku said. "He also has his ways of playing dirty. Will she be okay?"

Senku chickled. "Don't worry. Y/n is the best warrior I know. There's a reason I gave her the name of Amazon."

The villagers were excited since this was the last fight of the first rounds of the Grand Bout. Plus, Blaze had a good amount of admires that were cheering for him. Blaze liked the attention as you simply rolled your eyes.

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