Part 48: Treasure Island

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Due to the waves, the ship was rocking back and forth which caused many of the people to become seasick. So Senku extracts a seasickness medicine, Scopolamine, from the flower Devil's Trumpet in the portable lab. All he did was separate the fat-soluble from the water-soluble and then they had their medicine. He only used a small amount since that was enough because more could actually kill you. He gave it to the sea-sick victims and they got bursts of energy since they no longer feel like they're dying.

However on sea, the weather can change at the drop of a hat since the sea is a dangerous place. Sure enough, a storm hits which makes the villager worry. But Ryusui was preoccupied with his green tea goat milk latte, as with his skills, this storm was nothing. However Senku came running like a mad man making the villagers worry. However Senku said that he was fine but he wanted everyone to be at their stations since they can use this storm to their advantage. Since you guys don't know if the island people are friends of foes, you guys can use the storm to sneak up on them and use the technology to even do a bit of spying. So everyone went to their stations as you guys sailed close to the island.

"We're finally about to see it Byakuya, your treasure Island," Senku said. "And no matter what ordeals await us there, that's reason enough to get excited."

You guys finally arrived at Treasure Island and used the eyes of science to sneak up on them and use the storm as cover. The rain was going to let up soon so you guys had to hide the ship before that. To get the crew willing to help with that Ryusui stated that he had a prize for whoever does a good job. Naturally this worked on the lazy butts such as Yo and Ginro.

The storm let up and you guys managed to get to the cliff side just in time. So Ryusiu gave them a ten thousand Drago bonus and they got excited for that.

Senku chuckled. "Hey, save the celebration for later. We'll be spotted if we stick around too long. So let's hurry this thing up."

Yo was excited since you guys were gonna find some treasure and Magma was hyped to go fight some people. So they went to run off the boat and onto the island. To stop the two idiots, you and Nikki smacked them and they fell to the ground. With the two idiots taken care of, the rest of you got ready to send a scouting team.

Ryusui slams a barrel down to the ground suddenly, catching your attention. He then sits on the barrel as you all look at him.

"A full scale invasion will lead to an all out war," Ryusui stated. "Am I wrong? So we'll go with the smallest team possible."

"Well naturally that would be the smartest thing to do," you agreed. "After all, our goal is to get the treasure box and if we can't find it we'll have to ask the natives. And with a big ass group, they'll feel threatened."

"Exactly, which is why I already made the perfect scouting team," Ryusui said. He snapped his fingers as he got a big grin on his face. "The five making the scouting team are Senku. Soyuz, the only native on the crew. Kohaku and Y/n as the defenders along with the eyes and ears. And Gen for negotiation with the islanders."

With the team in place, you guys sent off in the speed boat to the island while the rest stay on the ship. You guys got to the island and the first thing you guys had to do was climb up a mountain. Koahku being the fastest out of all of you, scales is the first one up. You were the next one up, followed by a tried Senku. You helped your exhausted husband on to the land, allowing Gen and Soyuz to climb up.

"Why isn't Ukyo coming with us," Kohaku asked. "I am have pretty good eyesight but wouldn't his hearing help too?"

"He would be a great help here but we need him to keep an eye on the sonar," you said. "Not to mention he's been glued to that thing since we got here. My guess is he's staring at the sea floor."

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