Part 61: Next Steps

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After acquiring the Medusa, the next thing was to revive your fallen comrades. So to do that, you guys had to make some more revival fluid. After getting some, you guys went on your way to revive your first person. Which was fellow scientist and honestly, the reason you guys were able to win in the first place, Chrome.

So you guys walk over to his statue and Senku pours the revival fluid on him. The stone cracked as his body glowed and he was back. Chrome gasped as he stared at you and Senku.

"Senku... Y/n... The fact that you two are standing here alone only means one thing," Chrome said.

You two don't say anything as Senku chuckled. But that one chuckle confirmed what Chrome was thinking.

"Oh, that's so bad! We won, didn't we, " Chrome exclaimed.

"You better believe it, Captain Chrome," you said.

"And it was all thanks to your creative brilliance, Chrome," Senku stated. "We survived like cockroaches too stubborn to keel over and die."

The three of you do a celebratory high five before going back to work. To make some more revival fluid. So you guys walked Chrome over to the little station you guys have so you guys can make some more.

"Now as the Scientist tag-team, we can get to work reviving the whole crew," Chrome stated.

Senku chuckled. "It's a bit like a logic puzzle. Cause if we don't connect the pieces in the right order, we'll starve to death."

On cue, both yours and Senku's stomach grumbled as the fight made you guys work up an appetite. Senku groaned as he patted his stomach but you were a bit embarrassed as you covered your stomach with your arms. Chrome places his hands over his stomach as he admits he was also hungry.

So you guys grabbed some baskets and went to look around but none of you had energy for it nor knew where to start. But you guys knew an alley that did. So it was time to revive Amaryllis.

So you go to find her statue and bring it back to the boys as they got the revival fluid. You guys revive Amaryllis and she gathers a load of food for you guys. From fruits to even fish which you guys were very thankful for. You guys helped her carry the food but while you were able to manage the weight, the boys were having trouble with the weight.

So to help with the heavy lifting and strength in general, you guys need Taiju. So you guys found his statue and revived him. And being the guy he is, he was happy to start helping out immediately. He carried the wagon full of all the food and you guys hitch a ride on it which Taiju didn't mind or seem to notice.

But after gathering all the food, you guys run into another, none of you knew what to cook or how to even start. So you guys need Francois. You guys have Taiju head back to the cave where Francois' statue was and bring it back to you guys. You guys revive Francois and they cook you guys a delicious feast which you guys were more than thankful for.

After Francois was done, you helped them lay down the food and you guys dug in. And as expected it was delicious. But this delicious meal was interrupted by the cell phone going off but the static was weak.

"Shame. The battery for our beloved cell phone is on its last breath I'm afraid," Senku said.

"It's a shame that it interfered with Ruri's last call earlier," you admitted. "It dropped after a minute."

"Sounds fuzzier than the noise from the earpiece," Amaryllis said.

"Because of its connection to the mainland," Francois explained.

"Oh? So Ruri just called to see how everything was going? That sounds like a village priestess to me," Taiju said.

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