Part 31: What is he to you?

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(A/n: In the wiki it says that before the perfection, Ukyo was about 24 and obviously y/n was about 15/16 to match Senku's age so to make the gap smaller I'm gonna reduce Ukyo's age by 4 so it's a 4/5 year gap as opposed to about 9/8. Same thing with Hyoga, instead of him being 23, he's gonna be 21. Hope that'll clear some things up, now back to the story)

"By the way, y/n... I... I'm glad to see you're alive and well," Ukyo admitted. "I really missed you."

Senku's eyes widened slightly as he looked at you. You had a mixture of happy and sad in your eyes which confused him.

"I'm glad you're alive too, Ukyo," you admitted.

Just what was your relationship with him?


It was night time and everyone went to bed to be ready for the battle that was right around the corner. So you guys needed to be rested and ready. Even though you guys wanted to do this without casualties, that doesn't change the fact that you guys needed to rest up.

You were sitting in Senku's tent as he was talking with Chrome and Gen. You noticed that after the phone call, he seemed a bit off. You had an idea but you didn't want to assume. But you knew that after what happened with you and Chrome being captured, you and him were going to talk.

*With Senku*

"Senku, shouldn't you go and get some sleep," Gen said. "We have a big day tomorrow and I'm sure you want to spend some time with your wife."

"I'm just finishing this up and I'll go to bed," Senku said.

Gen was about to leave Senku alone but he sighed as he knew something was up.

"Senku, are you okay," Gen asked.

"I'm fine," Senku reassured.

"Senku, is this about the phone call," Gen suggested.

Senku slightly flinched and that just confirmed it for Gen.

"Seems I'm right," Gen stated. "But I must say, I never took you for the jealous type but then again I never thought you'd get married due to how you speak in regards to relationships. But that was before y/n showed up."

Senku didn't say anything as he just looked at the table. Gen sighed as he approached Senku. He was about to put his hand on his shoulder but then remembered that Senku doesn't really like physical touch unless it's from you.

"Listen Senku, I understand why you feel tense in this situation. After all, you clearly had no idea about Ukyo and y/n's relationship since you didn't even know who Ukyo was and y/n is your first love. So this feeling is natural, especially after everything that has happened, " Gen stated. "But if you ask me, you should really talk to her before we go to war. Even though we said we won't spill any blood, you never know with Hyoga."

Gen turned around. "And besides, you two are actually cute together and I hate to see this relationship end, especially like this."

Senku looked over his shoulder as Gen walled away. He sighed as he knew he was right. Even though he didn't really want to, he knew that this would be eating at him if he didn't.

*Back with you*

You felt your body get tired as you sat in the tent looking at your hands. You heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to see Senku walking inside. You were about to say something but he quickly went on his knees and pulled you into a hug.

"Senku are you-"

"I didn't want to make a big scene in front of everyone," Senku admitted as his breath was a bit shaky.

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