Part 12: Tales from the past

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Ruri took you and Senku back and the rest of the kingdom of science followed.

"You know, now this all makes sense," you stated. "After all, if every last person on the planet was turned to stone, then who could've even found this village in the first place?"

"Also, Ruri, Kohaku and some of the others clearly have foreign blood in them," Senku pointed out. "Now all thanks to Ruri, those mysteries have been solved."

However this simply confused everyone unless. Kohaku didn't understand what mystery was supposedly solved and Chrome was confused on how Ruri somehow already knew about Senku and how Senku has the same name as the village. You and Senku share a little laugh as their confusion was honestly kind of funny. Senku stated that he's pretty sure he comes up in Ruri's priestess mythology and Ruri confirmed that Senku does and even you make a mention.

It turns out that the priestess passed down knowledge to the next generation through stories such as gorillas, Momotaro and folk tales. These stories were known as the Hundred Tales.

The stories were simply written by Senku's dad, Ishigami Byakuka since he along with others weren't on Earth on the day of the petrifaction. This explained why Senku was in the story and why you made a mention. Plus the people of this village were descendants of those people. That really did answer a lot of questions.

Later that night, the village was going to have a little celebration for the new chief but you guys were still inside Ruri's hut learning about what happened.

"I wish I could say that I followed that, but it's such a crazy story that I'm completely lost," Suika admitted.

"Right. So a few thousand years ago, all of humanity was turned into stone," Chrome said. "You know those stone statues we see everywhere? Those are all people. But Senku's dad and five others survived because they were up in the sky when it happened. And all of us here in Ishigami Village are actually descendants of those six people."

"Hold on," Kohaku said. "That raises the question: Are we all related to Senku?"

You and Senku laughed a bit at the fact Kohaku seemed a bit nervous about the idea that they all are somehow related to Senku.

"Byakuya and I are legally father and son, but not by blood," Senku clarified.

"Not to mention you guys are hundreds of generations apart," you added. "Making anyone related in that case very slim."


You guys looked outside to see the villagers around a big fire, drinking and eating. They were celebrating Senku as the new village chief so they wanted them to join the celebration. Ruri suggested you all go and celebrate which wasn't a bad idea.

It was very lively with people drinking and just having a good time. Much to Ginro's displeasurement, he and Kinro still had to guard the bridge, missing the party. Two of the villagers even tried to get Gen to join in even though he didn't want to. While all of this was happening, Ruri told you and Senku to follow her as she had something to show you two.

"I brought you two out here to tell you guys, the story ends with a message," Ruri said. "One left by Byakuya. I thought you two should be the only ones to hear it."

Senku shuckled. "Yeah I kinda figured it would be something along those lines."

"You have a point but is it really okay for me to hear this," you asked.

"Well given how you were mentioned in my tale, and knowing how he was, he would want you too," Senku stated.

"I guess you have a point," you said.

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