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Hey there! Long time no see. Mecha-Senku here to give you a quick recap of the second part of the story. As I said in the last recap, this follows you in the stone world alongside human me and other people. But a lot has changed since the first part.

To help you guys prepare for battle, you guys made a mega weapon to help out. Freeze-dry ramen. After that, to help out with making the war blood-free, Gen came up with a mischievous plan to trick Tsukasa's people with Lillian's song along with an impression of her. So you guys had to deliver the phone but there was an obstacle in the way. Homura was spying on you guys so to get her out of the way, you guys used sonic and flash bombs. Thankfully that gave the traveling team which was you, Gen and Chrome a chance to slip past her and head to the Tsukasa Empire. Unfortunately Homura managed to escape and went after you guys.

However with a little help morse code, you guys were able to trap Homura and get the phone to its destination. Thankfully you guys got the phone to its destination but there was a small problem when you guys hid the phone. This led to you guys being cornered by one of Tsukasa's top men. Chrome created a distraction for you guys to leave but you didn't want to abandon him so you went to rescue him while Gen made a run back to the village.

However, it turns out that the man who cornered you guys was Ukyo Saionji, who was an old friend of yours. Given your history, you couldn't bring yourself to hurt him and you ended up getting captured alongside Chrome. You two were brought to Tsukasa and after an intense interrogation, you two were locked up.

Meanwhile when Gen arrived back to the village, the plan was sent in motion to try and persuade Tsukasa's people to switch sides. And after some hard questions and emotional moments with Lillian's song, you guys got Nikki Hanada to join you guys. However after the call, Gen told everyone about you and Chrome getting captured which led the kingdom of science to start working on a steam engine or in other words a car.

However Tsukasa figured that the Kingdom of Science would attack with a steam engine so he made pit holes to counter the steam engine. This would be bad so you and Chrome were gonna use the skills and knowledge you guys have to escape. It started on a rocky start but after Ukyo stuck you guys a battery in the middle of the night, you guys were able to escape. There was an obstacle in the form of Yu Uei who was a police officer. Yu wasn't gonna let you guys escape so you took care of the obstacle and escaped the Tsukasa empire with Chrome.

You two met up with Kohaku and she brought you two to the Kingdom of Science's camp where they were getting ready for the war. Everyone was happy and relieved to see you guys were back and safe but there wasn't time to rest since there was still a war coming.

So you decide to help with trying to switch people over to the Kingdom of Science but unfortunately the big boss came. Ukyo took over the call and Gen's impression didn't trick him for a second. However, Ukyo admitted that he was willing to help as long as you guys promised that no one would die in this war. You guys agreed to that plan and then Ukyo mentioned that he missed you which made it clear that you guys had history.

So later that night, you explained everything to human me. That you and Ukyo were childhood friends but he one day disappeared and you never saw him again until the day he captured you and Chrome.

After that, the Kingdom of Science upgraded their steam engine car into a tank with a fake cannon to give Tsukasa's men a scare which will make them not fight. Thankfully, they were scared of the tank which let you guys capture them and take over the miracle cave. All without spilling a drop of blood. At least that was until Ukyo's powerful ears picked up a terrible sound. And as he tried to warn you guys, he was stabbed and began to bleed. Tsukasa and Hyoga joined the fight and the battle team tried to hold them off as the science team came up with a plan.

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