Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures

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Back at Ishigami village, Senku tries making the first ever oven-baked bread in the Stone World. Ryusui was excited to get all kinds of tasty bread back but Senku told him to not get too excited since he wasn't a professional chef. Regardless they still had to have a bit of faith. But when Senku took out the first batch of the stone world bread, you modern folk were horrified to see it was completely burnt crisp. The Ishigami villagers are enjoying it and liking its crumbly texture and saying that it was basically an edible rock. Senku and Ryusui tried to take a bite but they couldn't and fell to the ground, just dead.

You kneeled down and rubbed Senku's back trying to comfort him as he just laid there. "Hey, it's okay. For your first ever try with no prior training or actual good equipment, it wasn't that bad."

"Modern people and our pampered taste. It's not unheard of for a person to starve to death rather than eat something nasty to survive," Ukyo said as he looked at a burnt bread piece, absolutely horrified. "I remember stories about it from Estia bootcamp."

"This bread will kill everyone if they eat it," Ryusui groaned. "Am I wrong?"

"No, we'll never make it to the other side of the planet if we don't fix this first," Senku groaned.

They suddenly get a burst of energy as they stand up. "We need to revive a top chef!"

"They said in unison," Ukyo said.

"It's not like they're wrong," you said. "We won't get anymore with this."

Ryusui was shaking as he held a piece of the burnt bread. "I want..." He looked up to the sky as he almost began to cry. "No! I need a professional chef right now!"

"Why? This bread Senku made is perfectly good. Don't be so peaky," Chrome said.

You and Ukyo sigh as Chrome and Kohaku happily eat the burnt 'bread'.

"You guys have no idea what you're missing," Ryusui said. "Real bread is a delicacy. It's unbelievably good. You understand? That's why we need a real chef."

"As much as you're right about that Ryusui, there isn't much we can do about that," you said.

"She's right," Senku agreed. "We're all out of revival fluid. We could always make some from poo but that whole thing will take whole months at least."

"That won't do, I need some now," Ryusui stated.

"At least pretend to listen," Chrome said, a bit annoyed.

"Ha-ha." Ryusui snapped his fingers. "I was listening. Don't worry, all we need is a single dose of this stuff. I'm sure I can manage."

"Good luck you dumbass, we don't have the nitric acid we need," Senku said.

Ryusui got an evil expression. "Oh, you see the thing is, I got a sneaky suspicion some villain is hiding a tinsy bit from us." He chuckled with a very evil and creepy tone.

"Dude that face. If anyone here's a villain it's clearly this guy," Chrome said.

"Well this should be interesting," you sighed.

Ryusui got the phone to call up Minami. He states that since she was the one who got to choose who got revived, she would have more opportunities to snatch some up for herself since it was liquid gold but she tries to deny it. Gen then takes the phone and starts to use his skills. He states that if Minami would hand over the revival fluid she had then Senku would make the perfect gift for Minami. He wasn't specific about what it was but it was clearly something that she really wants. So it managed to convince her to hand over the little bit she had hidden underneath her hand band. But it was only enough to revive someone small like a child. However that wasn't a problem since Ryusui had someone in mind.

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