Part 40: Let's fly

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The next day, people were looking around seeing what new clothes they could buy. However there were some talks about the prices since they were on the pricey side. This meant it would take a while before you guys sell out the whole line of clothing. But thanks to Ryusui opening his bottomless pockets, you guys were making bank.

You guys finally overcame the big obstacle of acquiring all the cloth you guys needed. So now you guys had to assumable the whole thing. You rang up the exploration team who were at Ishigami village to give them an update of the situation.


"Hey Chrome, it's y/n."

"Oh hey y/n, how's it been," Chrome asked.

"Good, I just wanted to give you guys an update on our side," you said.

"For sure, so what's the next step for the oil search," Chrome asked.

"Well, due to the change in the landscape, we have to make a new map. But it would practically be impossible to do it on land," you explained. "So we're making a hot air balloon to fly up in the air to make the map."

"Hold on, a flying machine," Chrome exclaimed.

You then heard a thumb as Chrome screamed 'that's bad, we're flying' and his voice faded.

"Hello? Chrome, you there? Hello?"

"Sorry about that y/n but he just ran away," Ukyo said. "I'm guessing the mention of the hot air balloon got him fired up."

"I see. Can't say I'm surprised though," you admitted.

"Honestly," Ukyo chuckled.

"Well, back to what I was saying. The plan is to have a team test the hot air balloon and fly to Ishigami village. We're also gonna bring back a couple of people back to the village as well to help out and we'll be going on foot," you explained.

"Alright, understood," Ukyo said.

"Cool. See you guys soon. Bye," you said.

"See you soon y/n," Ukyo said.

You hung up the call as you went back to the others.

The diameter for the hot air balloon was gonna be big enough to fit only three people. Of course Senku was gonna be one of the three in the air since he knew how it works so it was a matter of choosing who was going with him. Of course since they were gonna fly, there were a handful of people that wanted to go.

"So who's gonna test this out," Gen asked. "It holds three people and obviously you'll be one of them, Senku but who will be the other two? I'll pass myself."

"That's true. Who are the next best two," Taiju asked.

"We can't let the balloon choose its own path and navigating relies on reading the wind," Senku said. "Meaning our pilot has know their way around a gust or two."

"That makes sense," Taiju agreed. "Hey y/n, you know a good amount of winds, sea and earth stuff. How about you go?"

You chuckled. "You're right about that but I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Huh? Why not," Taiju asked.

"She's right," Senku agreed. "This is a test to make sure this works. And I'm not doubting y/n's skills but it would be safer if we have someone with actual experience piloting. Not to mention, y/n's body is still weak so it wouldn't be a good idea to take her up in the air. At least not until we know it works a hundred percent."

"Oh, fair point. I guess I didn't think of that," Taiju said. He then gasped. "Oh I got someone. Hey Ryusui!"

Gen quickly shushed Taiju's as Ryusui looked at you guys. Gen sighed as thankfully Ryusui didn't hear you guys. He then turned his attention to Senku as he told Taiju to be quiet.

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