chapter 5

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"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."  - Maya Angelou

I was in the living room working on my laptop and Mara was playing in the garden with Elena. I wish she would have a great time being here. I finished my work and took my phone from the table and went to the garden. I see Mara is playing with Raymond and Elena is sitting on the grass and watching them. I stood by the glass door leaning towards it.

They are happily playing with each other. Automatically a smile grew on my face. I don't know what to say, I feel very happy for what I'm seeing. I immediately took my phone and took a snap of father and daughter. I don't know that he can be happy after what happened. I want him to move on in his life and forget about the past. I'm glad he did that.

He realized that I was looking at them. He looked at me and gave me a wide smile still playing with Mara. I look away from him. I don't want him to find that I forgive him. I forgave him a long time ago. Actually I'm not mad at him when he threw me out of his life. I know he's upset. I'm afraid to talk to him, that's why I'm pretending to be mad at him. And I don't know how to tell him about Mara.

I know he'll be mad at me when he finds that Mara is his daughter. And I have to prepare myself to face his anger. Now my eyes are filled with water. I turned around and walked away from them.

After dinner I gave Mara her bath and made her sleep. I was avoiding everyone in this house. I don't want to talk with anyone. I build a wall around my heart. I won't let anyone hurt me again.

I was now lying on my bed looking at the ceiling. My phone vibrated indicating that I received a message. I opened the lock and saw the message.

Tomorrow you're coming to the gala with me. I'm not going to listen to any excuses. That's final you're coming. Be ready at six. I'll pick you from your apartment.–R

Oh! God. Do I have to go to this? I have never been to a gala before. He never asked me to come but why is he asking me now. Is there any reason? I don't have a proper dress for this. I know someone who can help me with this. I saw the time and it's already late to call. I'll call tomorrow.

I ate breakfast and I was in my room and decided to ask for some help. I searched my pockets for a phone but it was not there. I take a look at the side table. But it was no use. I hear my phone ringing from outside of my room. Mara has my phone, I sighed in relief.

"Mommy! It's Aunt Amy." She gave me the phone. I sat on the edge of the bed and took Mara in my lap. I answered the phone.

"Hey! Good you called." I told her.

"I thought my friend needed my help." She said.

"How did you know?" I asked her. Wait. Maybe he told her.

"I can read your mind." She said and laughed. I laughed with her. "He called and told me you were going to a gala. So I guess you need my help."


"Mommy! I'll talk." She took my phone and placed it near her ear. "Aunt Amy! How are you? ...... I'm good....... you promise me you'll buy chocolates for me........ok."

She gave my phone back.

"Hey! We'll meet in the restaurant at one." I told her. "I'll text you the address."

"Ok. I'll be there. Bye."

"Bye." I told and hung up.

"Baby, mommy is going out and will be late at night. Will you be fine?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Where are you going?" She asked innocently.

"I'm going to a gala." I told her.

"Can I come with you? Please." She made a pout.

"Baby, when you grow up, you can go." She nodded. "Elena will be with you if you need anything. Okay."

"Okay. But come soon." She said.

"Ok. I have to get ready." I told her, she nodded and sat on the bed with her legs folded. I texted the address to Amy. I got ready. I went where Mara was seated. She placed her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"Mommy, you look beautiful." She said.

"Thank you. You are more beautiful." I kissed her forehead. Her cheek became like a red tomato. "Oh! My baby is blushing."

I told Elena I was going to be late and instructed her not to leave Mara. Since she has no kids she likes to babysit Mara. She is like a family to me.

I parked the car near the restaurant and went inside to find Amy was already waiting for me. I went to her and she immediately pulled me into a hug. We pulled away as the waitress stood behind us holding the menu. We sat opposite. She handed the menu both of us.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good. How about you?" She asked me and looked at the menu.

"Fine. I think so." I said as I remember the last few days of my life.

"What happened?" I was about to answer then the waitress stood there waiting for us to order. We gave our orders and she went away.

"What happened?" She asked me again.

"I met Mara's father." She almost choked. She took the glass of water I gave her and drank.

"Did you tell him?" She asked looking straight into my eyes.

"No" I sighed and told her the whole thing happened in the last few days and the day Raymond saved Mara. She listened without interrupting. I skipped a few parts about Oliver. She knew that I had a boyfriend in the past but she doesn't know who it was. Meanwhile our orders came and we ate and I paid for our food. She wants to pay but I insist. We are leaving the restaurant and heading to my car.

"So what are you going to do now?" She was concerned about me.

"I don't know." I told her the truth.

"Don't worry everything will be fine." She said patting my back. I hugged her.

"Promise me one thing. Don't tell any of these to Rafael. He'll go mad at me. Please." I pleaded with her.

"Okay." She said but I am not convinced.

"AMELIA. PROMISE." I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay. Don't shout. I promise." Now I'm convinced.

"I'm not shouting." I said smiling.

"You're not." She said and we both burst into laughing.

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