chapter 16

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"Love is a  promise; Love is a souvenir. Once given never forgotten, never let it disappear"-lifehacks.Io 


I never thought that day will change my life completely. That day is a black day for me. I just want to forget about that day. But it's like a fresh memory just happened yesterday.

I kept on crying, sat on my bed in the mansion. I came back from that house immediately. I regret trusting Oliver again. I never thought he'd leave me like this.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Mara came to my room shouting. I wiped away tears. I don't want her to see me crying. I have to smile for her. She's there for me. I don't need anyone else.

"Hey, baby!" Smile formed on my face when I saw her. I don't know, maybe I can live without water and food. But I can't live without her. I took her into my lap and kissed her cheeks.

I came down for breakfast with Mara. I don't feel like eating anything. But Mara told me that she won't eat unless I eat. Everyone sat on the dining table, except Oliver. He was nowhere in my sight. I don't know where he is. I saw Julia, she gave me a heartfelt smile. I smiled back. Everyone is talking, I ate silently.

The next day, I'm in the living room with my laptop checking my mails. Mara is with Raymond, they got very close. I'm very happy that she was getting her father's love, but he didn't know that she was his daughter. I want to tell him, but I'm afraid how he will react. He has the right to know.

I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard the doorbell rang. I closed my laptop and got up. I opened the door, there stood a girl of my age or maybe younger. She wore a grey t-shirt and blue faded jeans with a scarf around her neck, her hair was tied in a pony. I opened my mouth to ask who she was, she cut me off.

"Hi! I'm Scarlett, Oliver's fiancee." She said. I froze where I stand. He was engaged, that's why he left me. He thought that what happened on gala night was a mistake. I hadn't heard from him since that night practically morning. He didn't come to the house. I felt jealousy and guilt. I stepped aside so she could enter.

She got inside, turned to me and asked, "And you are?"

"I'm Maria. I take care of this mansion." I told her.

"So, you are an employee here." I nodded. "Can you bring my suitcases? Take someone's help, they are heavy."

She didn't wait for my response and threw car keys. I caught them, went to her car unloading the suitcases. They are really heavy, what did she put in them? Anger is building inside me. I just want to throw keys on her face and ask her to pick her suitcases. I'm not her servant. But she's a guest here, I can't do that and it's not my nature.

She's Oliver's fiancee. When the hell is this happening? How come I didn't know about this until now. Ahhh........ I want to kill her. I want to kill him. That bastard.

"Whose luggage is this? Why are you doing this?" A familiar masculine voice asked me. I turned around to see Raymond standing, bandage wrapped around his hand and it was supported by another around his neck. He was alone.

"Where's Mara?" I asked him ignoring his previous questions.

"She's with Elena. You didn't answer my questions." He said pointing to the suitcase in my hand.

"Oh! These. These are your future sister-in-law's. She ordered me to bring these useless things like I'm her servant." I told him sarcastically, throwing a fake smile.

"You don't have to do this. Here, let me help you." He tried to take the suitcase in my hand, but I pulled away.

"You will help me. Really? I don't need your help. Don't make me regret being here." I'm already regretting being here not because of Raymond, but because of Oliver.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Can't you just forget what happened and live normally?" He begged. I threw my suitcase on the ground and stood in front of him angrily.

"What did you say? You want me to forget about everything and live normally. Do you know how hard is that? I have gone through a lot in these five years. I spend a lot of time crying alone in my room. And you? You just blamed me for what happened. Maybe you are right, it's all my fault. Is that easy to forget? Did you forget what happened?" I burst open in front of him. Tears are already falling from my eyes. I sniffed to control my tears.

He shook his head in a no. His eyes are wet, he is trying to control his emotions, he didn't want to break down in front of me. But he can't do that, especially in front of me. And I can't see him like that. So I went away from there, away from him.

It's been three days and Oliver isn't home yet. I started to worry about him. Where is he? What happened to him? Why isn't he coming home?

At lunch, we sat at the dining table. I'm feeding Mara her lunch. Everyone is laughing at Kathie's joke. We stopped laughing when we heard footsteps from behind. I turned around and saw Oliver. I felt relieved, nothing happened to him. He looked tired and exhausted.

Scarlett rose from her seat and hugged him. I was feeling jealous.

Why do you care about him? He already had someone to take care of him. My mind scolded me.

"I'm waiting for you. I need to tell you something." She said to him.

"Not now. I'm tired." He told her. He looked at me feeling guilt. I glared at him.

"No. It's important." She said, pulling him to another room. What's the important matter she wants to tell. Was she pregnant? Where did that come from? I shook my head.

After a few minutes they came back. He looks so relieved that heavy weight was off his shoulders. She was happy too. He smiled at me. I gave him a hard glare. If looks can kill they both will be dead by now.

They didn't say anything, he excused himself and went to his room. He came back after five minutes changed into a fresh set of clothes. He sat on the vacant seat next to Scarlett and in front of me.

"So, when will be the wedding?" Jason asked, looking between Oliver and Scarlett. Oliver choked some air and gave him a smile. He looked at me and that smile is still on his face. I want to chop his face. I cursed him under my breath.

"Did you say something, Maria?" Julia asked and I shook my head.

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