chapter 22

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"I love my life because it gave me you. I love you because you are my life."


I had enough.

I'm not running anymore. I'll show him what I can do. He messed with the wrong person. I make sure he pays for what he did. No one messes with me. I didn't know Victor would go this far, I never thought he would go after Oliver.

"How does he know?" Rafael asked, ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

I'm currently in Rafael's office sitting opposite to him. He is CEO of Williams & Co. He is also one of the most successful businessmen in New York. He raise from his seat and started pacing, I lean into the soft cushion chair my hands cross against my chest.

"How does he know?" He repeated his question. "Who would have told him?" I'm thinking about the same thing. I threw my head back looking at the ceiling. No one knows I'm leaving except Rafael, Amy and me. Raymond and Julia found out when I went home. I don't think anyone knows. Who would have told him? Who? I closed my eyes thinking what happened, whom I told. Then something flashes, remembering something, someone.

Shit. I mumbled inside.

I immediately sat straight, balancing my weight on the chair. "You told him." I blunt out. His eyes wide with shock.

"What? Why will I....."

"I told him." I cut him off. "We told him."

"What are you talking about?" He eyed me in confusion written all over his face.

"Do you remember the guy in the elevator when we left the hospital?" I asked him.

"No." He shrugged.

"I think he is Victor." I told him.

"What? Why didn't you tell me then?" He is shouting at me.

"I don't know it was him then. Why are you shouting at me?" He flinched at my words.

"I'm sorry." He ran his hands through his hair again and sat on his chair. I didn't say anything. "What are we going to do now?"

"Well, I have a plan." I said.

He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by my phone. I took my new phone out and saw it was Lucy. I tensed inside, I don't know if she has good news or not. I have to answer to find out.

"Lucy!?" My voice came out tense.

"Hi dear, I have good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first." She asked.

"Go with the good." I said.

"Well, I asked Oliver whether he can appoint someone as his personal assistant. First he said no but I pleaded with him that this job is important for this someone and he agreed. I also told him that this someone is ineligible and has no certificates, he told me that he will give training for a month and if he/she is fit for this position he can keep him/her." She said, explaining to me.

"It's good news. Thank you Lucy." I said. "Then what's the bad news."

"I..uh...... I...." She struggled for words.

"Let me guess. You didn't tell him that this job is for me." I stated rather than questioned.

"Yes, I thought it's for the best. Raymond told me what's going between you two." It didn't surprise me. I know Alex or Raymond would tell her one day. For a few seconds we stayed silent. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"I didn't ask you why you need this job and that too as Oliver's assistant. Because I trust you. I want my boys to be happy. I know Raymond lost his love and I thought he won't be happy ever again but he was, now. I want Oliver to be happy. I have a feeling that he'll be happy with you. Can you make him happy for me?" She asked. I don't know what to say for that. I thought she'll say stay away from Oliver for making him unhappy but this was different. She wants me to stay with him.

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