chapter 33

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"Love is missing someone whenever you are apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you are close in heart."-Kay Knudsen  

I just don't have any idea what to do now. I feel like I'm the dumbest person in the world. I'm also the stupidest person who accepts a drunken proposal. Now the person sitting in front of me is like he didn't do anything last night.

I'm engaged to one and ready to pretend to another. What should I do? My head is heating up, I want to go and put my head in the refrigerator. Doorbell brought me out of my thoughts.

I flinched and quickly got up to open the door. Rafael and Amy both entered and hugged me. I took them to the living room where everyone is sitting. Mara quickly came and hugged them as soon as she saw them. Rafael made an introduction of Amy as they didn't meet her before.

"Baby, turn around and don't see." Amy said to Mara, we're all confused. What is she doing? Amy did the thing that no one expected. She punched Raymond. When she was about to punch him again Rafael held her back. "That's for leaving five years back."

"I think I deserve it." Raymond said and I held my head down in guilt.

I see Oliver got up angrily to protect his brother, he opened his mouth to say something but Amy cut him off. I took my time to get everything wrapped around my head.

"And you, you're such a dick and bloody bastard...."

"I think that's enough Amelia." I cut off Amy. I don't want her to be bad here and also I don't want her to think they are bad. I turned to Mara and said softly. "Baby, don't repeat anything you heard. Okay?"

Mara nodded and I hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I forgot she's here." Amelia said in guilt.

"I need to talk to you guys." I said to both Rafael and Amelia. They followed me upstairs. "What the hell was that? I asked you guys to come here to talk, not to see you outraged."

I said as soon as I closed my bedroom door. She mumbled a sorry. But sorry won't solve my problems. I wanted to vent my anger at someone but I stayed quiet. I felt I needed to cry and then I cried.

I felt strong hands embrace me and rub my back to comfort me. Rafael did that for a while. Amy apologised to me again and I hugged her.

"What happened?" Rafael asked as soon as I started to calm down.

"Victor, that's what happened." What will happen other than that, when Victor is there to ruin my life perfectly.

"What did he do?" They both said in unison.

"He threatened Matt's life." I said looking away.

"What, Matt is in Australia, right?. Why did he threaten his life?" Rafael asked.

"No, he is back yesterday." I said.


"And Victor thinks I'm engaged to him." I said finally looking at them and held my hand up to show my ring. Their mouths wide opened.

Rafael sighed and ran his hands through his hair. They didn't have to ask whom I'm engaged to. They know who I'd say yes to.

"You said Matt is gay, right?" Amy asked Rafael and he nodded.

"Are you planning on telling Oliver about Victor?" Rafael asked.

"He forgot." I said biting my lip to control my tears.

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