chapter 19

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"Staying in love with someone even if you know you can't be together in future is like standing in the rain, you know you're going to be sick but you still stand there because it feels great." -#HiddenFeelings.

"Raymond, will you marry me?" Sam asked out of blue. I was shocked. I looked at Raymond, he was trying to process what Sam asked into his mind. I looked at Sam, she was a bit nervous waiting for his answer.


What? No?

I never thought he would say no. I looked at Sam, she was trying hard not to cry. A tear rolled down her cheek. She got up and about to leave, Raymond caught her wrist. She stopped and turned around. In the next second he was on his one knee.

"I don't know how I survived this year. But it taught me one thing, that I can't live without you anymore. It was like hell without you. Everyday I think about you, us, our future together, having kids. There isn't one day I stopped thinking about coming back to you, holding you in my arms, seeing you smile. I don't know when but you became my life. I missed your smile, I missed your kisses, I missed you talking not caring about the world. I missed the child in you. I missed you. I promise I won't make you cry, I promise you I will be behind your every smile." He stopped for a second and continued; "I thought I would take you to dinner tonight and propose to you. But you beat it and left me no choice."

He took a small velvet box from his pocket. He opened revealing a diamond ring. It's beautiful. "Will you do the honour of becoming my wife and mother to my children?"

Oh my god! He proposed. I looked at Sam, her eyes were filled with tears. But this time with happiness. She mashed her lips together suppressing smile.

"No." This time she rejected him. She folded her arms across her chest.

"Come on. I'm sorry for rejecting you first." He got up on his feet and wiped away the tears. "Tell me what I have to do. I will do anything for you."

"Anything?" She asked.

"Anything for you." He said smiling.

"Promise me you won't get mad at me when I tell you something. Promise me you'll forgive me." She asked. Oh no! I hope he won't get mad at her.

"Why would I?" He asked and looked at me confused.

"Just promise, you idiot." This time she yelled.

"Okay, I won't." He chuckled. He lifted the velvet box up. "Can I?"

She nodded and he slipped the ring into her ring finger. He kissed her, whistles and claps were heard from the crowd in the cafe. I cleared my throat and they pulled away.

I hugged both of them. "I'm so happy for you."

"Tomorrow, I'm going to introduce you to my family." Raymond said and Sam squealed happily. "Why don't you join us?"

He asked me and my smile was flatter. His family means Oliver will be there. I don't know if I can face him yet or not. I thought he loved me. But it turned out wrong.

"Why won't she? She would be delighted." She told him excitedly.

"Come on. Let's go, I need to take a rest. I'm really tired." Raymond said, yawning. He must have jetlag.

We're out of the cafe. We had to cross the road as we parked on the opposite side. There is no place for parking near the cafe so we have to park a few blocks away. Raymond and Sam are before me hand in hand and I'm following them from behind. There was a few feet gap between us. As I was in the middle of the road I had a feeling that I forgot something. I thought hard to remember what it was.

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