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This chapter is for all daughters who are dearer to both their Mom and Dad. Ofcourse for friends like our Nisha and Magadhi..... ❤❤❤

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
   -Mignon Mclaughlin

Nishanth Dhuruvan is an Indian millionaire business and the chairman, managing director, and largest shareholder in many organizations........

Diya's eyes were open wide when she took a glance at his data on just a few lines in the starting. The contents that made Diya unbelievable are Nishanth Dhuruvan, a millionaire and great successor in the business world at his age of 26. He was born with a golden spoon and had the power to win against his rivals.

It is not a wonder for Diya as he was wearing a coat suit just to meet her. She thought to herself maybe he had a meeting to attend after that. So he didn't leave from there to show his power... Must be a man striving hard to achieve things.

Diya thought to herself. Why would a businessman have an idea of marrying me, who is just a commoner? I know. I'm not degrading myself. But is it true? That they are asking my hands for him. Most of the businessman marry the women equal to their status. But why is he interested in me. My brain did its best work now. When did he say he is interested in you, Diyaa? Yes, I know...... He didn’t. How did Ram agree to this alliance? He values people more than money!!!!!! Maybe, he is good at heart too... 

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her mom calling her. Diya left the laptop open and went to the balcony to see her mom. She could see her mom's eyes were with tears. 

Diya cleared the tears in her mom's eyes and questioned her in dismay, “What happened, Sita? Why are you crying?”.

Sita touched Diya's head and said, “Diya, your father has agonized about your life since the moment of his second heart attack. I have seen him wandering many nights without sleep. But this week, when he came to know about Nishanth Dhuruvan. He is having a good sleep and is elated by thinking Nishanth will be the best for you... You know about your Sita. I'm not pressuring you. But see to that you, don’t refuse him without thinking. Take your time and make a good decision”.

Diya nodded her head looking down. Sita lifted her head by placing her hands in Diya’s chin. "We respect your decision. It may be anything”, admitted Sita with a quiet smile.

Diya went back again to her room. She was confused. She pressed a button on the laptop Nishanth Dhuruvan's profile was on the screen.

Diya laid on the bed on her stomach and balanced her chin with her hands. She took a glance at his picture on the laptop and was convinced. She didn't see further apart from his work details.

Diya thought to herself, to maintain a good standard. He had to work hard. He must be busy. But it would be appealing if he at least tries to talk with me regarding us...

Now, Diya didn’t have a reason to reject him. He wasn’t rude to her parents. He respects his mom. So, it’s sure he will also awe her parents. He is kind. He stood up as a real gentleman when she entered the living room. And above all of it, he is chosen by her dad.

Thinking about all these, she smiled and decided to go with her parent’s decision and waited for her dad to give him her reply.

In the noon, Ramachandran entered the living room exhausted from work and sat on the sofa. He called out in a tired tone, “Sita, I am back. Bring me some water".

When Diya heard her dad's voice, she prepared herself to tell him her decision. She knew this decision of hers, will change her path in life. Her life with her in-laws would be different from here. She is going to enter into someone's home without knowing anything about them. She never wanted to get anything from others about him or his close circle of people, as she shouldn't judge them according to other's comments unless she saw it by herself.

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