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Everyone in the organization was discussing the meeting and their Ceo's wife. They were chatting about the attitude of their boss and his chirpy wife, who made the meet flourishing. They were assembled in many groups and chattered.

Just then, Nishanth came out of the cabin. He glanced at everyone who was rushing here and there to be seated in their cubicle.

He stared at them and turned to see Rishab, who stifled his laugh.

Nishanth stared at them furiously. He looked down while inserting his hands in his pockets.

He looked up and ordered, "You guys have been left an extra time leisurely, nowadays. Make sure you serve up to your standards. Or... you guys will know the outcome. Get back to your activities. Now!!!!"

Nishanth returned back to his room as Rishab informed him that the other meeting has canceled. Nishanth entered his cabin, where Rishab went to his cubicle.

Employees were still gossiping with the next person. Two girls were chattering continuously.

A girl said, "Rishitha, just see... After our boss got partnered, he's been a little lenient and kind. He'll be the loving husband to Ma'am. Wait and watch."

Rishitha replied, "Kiran, are you serious? Did you see him? Just a minute before, I heard that there was some problem with the project file. And our devil was yelling at her. There is no chance of him being lovely." She rolled her eyes.

Kiran challenged, "Ok... Let's see today. At least once today... they'll be the lovey-dovey couple. It's an ice cream bet. Are you ready?"

Rishitha accepted, "Yes!!!!! Am I going to get free unlimited ice cream today? So sad of you, darling."

Kiran answered, "Let's see, Ms. Rishi. Now work. Or else... we'll have to work in that parlor instead of having ice cream there." Both of them giggled and continued to work.

In the secretary's room, Diya's mobile buzzed by disturbing her self-talk. She picked and started walking, placing it next to her ears.

She spoke in a pleasant voice, "Heyyyy Nisha. How do you feel now?".

On the other end of the call, Nisha spoke in a low voice, "I am alright, now. What about you? Enjoying your days by sitting idle and doing your favorite things like eating and sleeping."

Diya sat on a chair in the conference room and said with a pleasant tone, "Idiot!! Stop mocking me... I am too happy today. Do you know your friend was appreciated in the meeting? I presented well."

Nisha questioned, "I know my friend is great. Anyway, congrats. Don't fly up. Come down. Anything else interesting?"

Diya replied, "Nothing da...Haan... I met the gangster today." 

Nisha let out a chuckle and asked, "Let me know which gangster?  Are you related to gangsters and all? When did you join those groups? Did Magi know about it?" She laughed out loud.

Diya answered, "You are not going to stop it. Literally your cheese and rice. It's Derek's dad, the AD company CEO... Mr. Armaan Devansh."

Nisha again questioned her, "Where did you meet Armaan? Did Derek complain about y......."

Diya interrupted her and said, "Dumbo... I know you are scared to face him. But no one will shoot for getting ice cream for his son and all."

Nisha accepted, "Whatever... He is still scary. I still remember him glaring at Magi. Just because she was ready to buy the second ice cream for Derek."

Diya cleared, "I don't think he is like that. Maybe he was in a situation to react. I met Armaan in ND construction. He told me that Derek misses us. Ah... more than us, he missed Magi. We have to meet Derek and Armaan once." And told her what happened in the company. Diya snickered.

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