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Diya prayed that all these things she was reading now should be just a story. But to her dismay, she somewhere knew... all these were true. She wanted Aaradhana to be someone... who follows Nishanth for money and wealth... But she knew that was not true. She turned the page with a pounding heart.

Nishanth and I drove to a business party that most of the company’s CEO in Bangalore were attending. Nishanth complimented me as I was sporting a saree today. Every time he glimpses at me today… I felt something foreign. Something completely different from my parents' praises…

He glanced at me as if I... was the last person in the world... whom he wanted to forfeit. I wish I would convey to him... that the way he looks at me… I get infinite butterflies sprinting in my stomach… I could stand eternally with that saree if he could protect me like that… But at the same time, I felt extremely... shy. But he made me cozy… He wanted me to stay beside him till the party gets over.

As time passed by, I got bored. I encountered my relative at that party. I talked to him for some time as Nishanth was occupied with his business friends. I didn’t want to stick to him the whole time though he asked me to stay. As I was going down with my cousin, I got a call from Nishanth informing me to meet him at the parking lot.

The place was more overcrowded. So I couldn’t walk alone through the slaying dancers and literal drunkards. My cousin walked with me to the parking lot. I told him that I would meet him again with my parents. He nodded his head. As I was about to thank him, he suddenly kissed me on my lips. I was stunned for a minute. I slapped him hard and told him not to come for me anymore.

That idiot was also a reason for me to leave Bangalore, who propelled me to marry him. I thought he would accept my decision and move on. Though I politely rejected him, he didn’t get that in his mind. So we decided to move from Bangalore. And today… because of my idiot cousin, my mood was out.

I searched for Nishanth. But I couldn’t find him. So I left that place by leaving Nishanth a message. I stood in the shower for one hour at night to bury my thoughts and unseen wounds of my life.

Every day of my life is mixed with all emotions. Every minute when I feel that I’m happy… I get to feel the buried thoughts of my life. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. But I want to live my life happily… Until it allows me…

Diya hurriedly turned to the next page as her heart was shattering reading all those things... in the diary.

I had a bad day today. This was the first time I saw Nishanth’s temper. I was summoned by him to his cabin. I didn’t know that he was angry until I reached his workspace. He was furious that he threw his files and scolded me.

But why me? His statement hurt me like hell… I am just fit to read novels and pass my time. I felt too bad and insulted. The way he roared… the whole floor would have heard. I was ashamed to stand there. I couldn’t look at his face. He yelled at me to scram. At that moment, I walked out of his cabin with tears. I looked at his face. His eyes had anger and softness at the same time. I didn’t want to look at his face for another second.

I left the place and went to my workspace. I felt too tired. I touched my forehead to sense that I had a fever. Without thinking anything, I placed my head on the table and closed my eyes.

In just five minutes, there was a bang on the door. I stood up in fear. Nishanth entered and scolded me by saying that his office was not a place to sleep. If I am not willing to work, I should resign.

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