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Diya, on another side after sending the file, was tensed in her room. She thought about what will Nishanth do when he returns back and questions her about the file.

She felt like she was going to be collapsed thinking of Nishanth's reaction. There was no ounce of calmness in her.

Diya was perplexed. What is the reason I'm going to give him? As if he will ask you in a way you could answer!! What do you think? Is he your father who will melt for his princess? No, he is the Devil, Nishanth Dhuruvan. Just wait... the storm is coming. His office would have been a mess now. And I don't know how many were fired because of me. I feel sorry for his office wife and Ramesh anna. I'll somehow make him understand that it was not their mistake and...

Diya was continuously blabbering. At this time, she heard the door creak. It interrupted her thoughts.

She turned her head rapidly to see who it was, which resulted in little pain in her neck. Diya murmured, "Ouch!"

Diya was relieved that it wasn't Nishanth. But she knew today she has to face him.

Meenu entered with a small piece of cloth in her hand. Diya massaged her nape and saw her with a smile.

Diya got up from bed and ruffled Meenu's curly hair. She pinched her cheeks and said, "Meenu, I wish I was still a kid like you!!!"

Meenu giggled and replied, "Didi, I wish I become as beautiful as you when I grow up. In this white dress, you look like an angel."

Diya continued by fixing a glance on the piece of cloth, "You know how to butter everyone. What do you want now?"

Meenu spoke word by word, "Didi, Can we play hide and seek? My mom said not to disturb you. But you see, I don't have friends to play with me here. So..."

Diya interrupted her, "Meenu, What do you think of me? I can't play with you. I have lots of work. Do you think I don't have any work?"

Meenu tittered and said, "Yes, didi. You have lots of work. I know it. Sleeping is work, right? I do my works more than you."

Diya stared at her and raised her voice a little, "Meenu..."

Meenu was scared when she heard Diya speaking in an angry tone. So, she lowered her head and was about to cry with her lips quivering.

Diya saw that Meenu's head was lowered and she was about to cry.

Diya chuckled and said, "I just wanted to tease you. Look at your face. You are going to cry now, cutie. Awwww... don't cry now. Didi will never shout at you."

Meenu, who heard Diya's words and her laughter, jumped in joy. The next second, she made an angry face with hands on her waist and said, "Didi, you are too bad. You scared me."

Diya tried to console her by saying, "Is it? Then, you punish me."

Meenu kept the index finger of her right hand on her chin. She made a posture of thinking of punishment and said, "Didi, don't call uncle Nishanth as D from now. "

Diya laughed and returned, "What should I call a devil then cutie? I agree this will be a difficult punishment. But I can't..."

Meenu interrupted her by saying, "Didi, my mom said I am studying in the best school because of him. He pays for it. Not only for me. I've seen some of my friends in the home, for whom he is helping especially girls."

Diya was stunned to hear. At least, this dumb has some piece of kindness towards the children of his employees. But I don't understand his problem with me.

Her heart spoke. Diya, you forgot something. It's you who pushed things. You were taking things that way.

She again replied to herself. Even it wasn't like that, Nishanth will never smile or talk to me in a sane way. And who will accept a person with such type of characters to behave sanely? How can I take it easy when Kavya said that to me? And why do I want him to talk to me in a proper manner or smile? I'm not going to forgive him for the deed he did to me. I forgot the reason and started expecting things from him. I should not expect him to smile...

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