Chapter 52

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Kaay'la pov:

We been at the house for about a week now and it's been actually pretty quiet. Ken is beating herself up about what happened to ace and lonlon is getting better by the day.

I haven't heard from quan but mama k said she talk to him so I guess he's okay. I didn't want to think to much of it cause he didn't call me he probably busy so im not gone stress to much about it.

I got out the shower and went in the closet to get dress since I have to go to work, ken hasn't been going so it's just me.

After i out my clothes on I fix my hair, brush and wash my face. I went downstairs seeing everyone but kenken downstairs "good morning" i said to everyone.

"Good morning" they all replied "you okay" i asked lonlon and she nodded her head going back to talk to bb. I walked in the kitchen hugging mama k "be safe baby i love you" she said kissing my cheek.

"I love you too you heard anything" I asked her "ken won't leave the hospital and I talked to Quan yesterday, you go head and go baby I got this." She said smiling.

But I knew she was scared and worried but she had a good way of hiding it so you would never know but I alwys see through it. I got in the car and made my way to work.

30 mins later i arrived and went to my office and started doing paperwork before starting my rounds. I have 3 surgeries today then the rest of the day im free so ima go check on ace and go back home.

4 hours later...

I was going back to my office ready to go home because today was one of them days. As I was walking back I seen somebody similar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"hi again" I heard and I turned around seeing this bitch Montana, lord not today I would hate to beat a bitch up at my place of work. I shook my head at my thoughts "yes sir how am I help you?" I ask her annoyed.

"Did this bitch just call me a sir?" I heard her mumbled and i just laugh "you're wasting my time" i said and she had this grinned on her face that made me just want to slap tf out this bitch.

"Oh I was trying to get in touch with Quan but he wasn't responding so can you tell me that my son needs his daddy in his life and i will be going to the court for child support" she said smiling walking away.

"Girl wtf" i said opening the envelope she gave me looking at the pictures of her son and the dna test. It says it's 99.9% his baby and this baby kinda does look like him.

I'm so mad because I don't have time for this shit bro, I put the paper back in the envelope and went to my office getting all my shit and going to my car.

I saw a figure behind me so I turned around seeing this bitch again. "Bitch you got a lot of fucking nerve" i said putting all my shit in the car.

"I just wanted to see the look on your face seeing that you coming second to your nigga that you claim" she said smirking and I slapped tf outta her.

I was so tired of her and fucking him, I go to work and mind my fucking business but no mfs alwys tryna play with me. She look shook that I slapped her so she punch and we started fighting.

This bitch couldn't fight to save her life, all my punches were connecting straight to her face and I got up kicking her in head "bitch. Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone." I said kicking her with every word.

After i was done i got in the car and I counted to 3 to let her get up "1 2 3 opp bitch looks like you getting ran over" i said starting my car and putting it in reverse.

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