Chapter 35

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Kennedi pov:

After i wrapped kk arm i left the room with the boys and check on the girls "yall okay" bb nodded i knew she was good, she's used to it which is not good, but its really nothing we can do but try to do better.

Me and kk really didn't have a choice when we were younger, but we always promise each other that we were never let bb go through the shit we had to or make her take this drug shit. We both want her to be her own person and do her own thing and not have to deal with this bs.

I cut out my thoughts paying attention to the movie then i looked at the girls and they were sleep. I kiss both of them then i left out the room passing the boys talking going to our room getting my clothes ready to take a shower. I heard the door open

Ace just sat at the end of the bed like he was thinking about something "you okay?" no answer i didn't know his problem so i just left him alone. I stripped out my clothes getting into the shower, the stem hot water made my body feel so good.

The heard the shower door open and felt the cold breeze come in making me jump, but i relax when i knew it was just ace. He still said no words and i didn't want to force him he'll talk when he's ready.

After i finish my shower i grabbed his towel and bath him while he was just looking like a sleepy baby. We got out the shower and i start to put lotion on my body, then put my clothes on.

I grabbed him towel from around his waist and start drying him off. I know right now ain't the time but my baby was rocking with a monster ion know how I be taking it. I laughed at my self then put his clothes on and walked him to the edge of the bed, I tried to walk back to the bathroom but he held me tight between his legs.

I rubbed the back of his head "What's wrong?" he didn't say anything again so i made him stand up with me and i turn the bathroom light off and got in the bed. He got on top of me making his arms around my body holding me tight.

"I thought i lost you bruh" he said sounding like he was about to cry

I choose not to say anything because i didn't know if he was done or not, so i just rubbed his back listening. "I can't fucking lose you bro, you the one girl that take yo time with me, don't fuck with me for my money, get on my ass, put my ass in check, and always being there with i need you. Today i thought i was gone lose my soon to be wife and i can't have that shit at all, i can't think straight without you in my corner. I can't lose you babygirl i can't"

Awee my stink stink. I grabbed his face making us look eye to eye "Im not going nowhere okay, no matter what happens if you need me you call me or text me. We in this forever you hear me now get some rest cause i know my stink butt sleepy" he kissed my lips and lay his head in the cock of my neck going to sleep and i did the same.


Jay'quan pov:

I woke up cause my phone was ringing i ain't feel like talking right now, so i just let it ring. My phone kept ringing and i was getting annoyed.

"Yes bro"

"Who the fuck you think you talking to"

"My bad ma i ain't look at the name tag wassup"

"Ain't no damm wassup it's good morning rude ass nigga"

I laughed cause her ass is crazy "good morning ma"

"Nah it's too late for that shit but i just wanted to call you and tell yuh that yo uncle is having a birthday dinner and he wants you there"

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