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Hello friends! Kai and John return along with everyone's favorite wraith, Todd! 


Happy Reading!


"I take it the colonel wasn't there?" Elizabeth's voice cut through the weighted silence.

Kai pinched her eyes closed as she realized she had just yelled that she and Sheppard were Bonded to the entire control room. Lifting her chin she turned to face Elizabeth. She refused to allow Elizabeth of all people to see any hesitation or doubt on her face when it came to John.

"No," Kai growled and her gaze lifted to land on Ladon who was standing over Elizabeth's shoulder. "Which means either we were lied to-" she began and then without warning she charged.

Kai grabbed Ladon by the collar of his military uniform and slammed him back against a pillar. The breath wooshed out of his lungs on impact and Kai drew her blade. "-or he held back a few choice locations," she said in a voice all the more terrifying for how calm it was. The black blade pressed tightly against his skin with exactly the right amount of pressure to avoid drawing blood.

"Kai!" Teyla exclaimed jumping forward, but Elizabeth held up her hand to stop her. Elizabeth swung around, her gaze locked on Ladon's face. She couldn't control Kai, but she wasn't about to advertise that to a potential enemy. All she could do was make the best of the situation and make it appear as though Kai's actions were completely sanctioned.

"Your intel was wrong," Elizabeth growled at Ladon, standing just behind Kai. Kai would obviously play bad cop while Elizabeth played good cop.

Ladon held himself very still in the face of Kai's rage. "Well then the only way for me to help is to return to my home world and mobilize my people's military resources."

"You can contact them from here," Elizabeth said sharply.

Ladon's eyes narrowed. "You think I don't know the reason why you are keeping me here?" He challenged.

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You are a head of state. It was John Sheppard's last order that we do not submit to Kolya's demands, and it is my own countries policy to never yield to terrorists. Those are the reasons you are still here Mr. Radim. Because believe me, if it were simply my choice..." she dragged off meaningfully and Kai flexed the muscles in her hand to accentuate the point.

Ladon leaned back as far away from the knife as he could. "I understand-" he began.

"Good!" Elizabeth interrupted sharply. "Now, we don't have much time and Kai's patience appears to be wearing thin. She is a Mortii and you may know where her Bonded is being tortured. I suggest you work harder to remember another planet or two that might make the list or-"

Kai pressed the blade tighter against Ladon's skin, drawing a thin line of blood.

Ladon yelped in pain. "There's no need for that! I know of one! Just let me dial the gate," he stammered.

Elizabeth flashed a smile. "Of course," she said gesturing towards the stairs.

Kai didn't move at first. She just held her Blade against his neck and let his blood slowing drip onto the black blade. She cocked her head to the side as she watched it. "Do I need to remind you that your life is linked to his?" She asked in a hushed tone, almost conversational.

"Do you want to find him or not?" Ladon snapped though there was a tremble in his voice. Once, he had stupidly believed Ronon was the scariest person on Atlantis.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now