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So...we've reached part 50! How exciting is that?! I never expected this story to get so far, but you, my readers, have kept it going. Thank you so much for all your amazing support!

Happy Reading!


It surprised Kai that Ronon Dex chose to go back to Atlantis with them. Sheppard, however could be persuasive and he offered to help the man contact his homeworld. Seven years before when Ronon had been taken from his world his people were at war with the Wraith. The stoic man seemed fairly eager at the chance to return to his home.

Ronon had climbed aboard the Jumper and chosen to sit near Teyla and Kai for the short ride back to Atlantis, keeping his wary gaze on the exhausted group of marines. Weir had been cautiously welcoming and Sheppard had immediately assigned a pair of marines to accompany the large soldier wherever he went. When they tried contacting his homeworld Sateda however, they found the Wraith had leveled the planet. No survivors. Ronon was completely alone in the universe. It was something Kai found she could relate to.

It had been two weeks since Ronon came to Atlantis. Kai walked into the mess hall to see The Colonel sitting at one of the far tables with Ronon. She needed to make an effort to try and reach out to the large Satedan. She knew how hard it could be to fit in around here. She just wasn't very good at making friends. It had never been high on the list of priorities in assassin school.

She was approaching their table when John spoke up. "It's not bad, huh?" he asked gesturing to the food Ronon was shoving into his mouth with his hands.

Ronon glared at him out of the tops of his eyes. "It's fine."

Ronon glanced up to where Kai was standing beside their table with her tray. Her eyes quickly flit over the rest of the room as she tried to decide if it was a good idea to join what might be a private conversation.

"You just going to stand there?" Ronon asked gruffly.

Kai blushed a little and moved to sit next to the Colonel. She glanced back and forth between the two men, but turned her focus to her plate.

John noticed the blush and cleared his throat uncomfortably. "How do you like Atlantis?" he asked.

"It's fine," Ronon replied with a shrug.

John shifted in his seat, trying to decide how to ask what he wanted to ask. "So, have you given any thought to what you want to do once you're done here?" He asked conversationally.

Ronon hesitated for a moment. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No, no, stay as long as you like. I'm just saying, you know your way around, you can take care of yourself in a fight, you hate the Wraith as much as we do..."

Ronon lifted his eyes and leveled an intense glare at Sheppard.

"Okay," John conceded. "Maybe more than we do. The point is, we could use a guy like you around here and you look like you could use a place to stay."

Ronon picked up the pitcher of water and took a long drink. Ronon hesitated and glanced over his shoulder at the two marines who were working very hard not to pay attention to the conversation. Then he glanced at Kai curiously. "I'm not sure I fit in here," he finally settled on saying.

"There's only one way to find out," John encouraged.

"Do I have to decide now, or can I finish eating?" Ronon asked, taking another handful of mashed potatoes.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now