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This update ended up a little shorter than anticipated but I hope you still enjoy it. I was planning on holding off and publishing it in a day or two but I was so excited I couldn't wait. I am in awe of the authors who have the self
control to write ahead and set up a schedule 😂

Happy Reading!

Runner Cont.

Kai stood in shock for a moment as Colonel Sheppard literally took off into the dead of night running towards the gunfire. She cursed him up and down for his stupidity. She could see fine in the dark forest, but there was no way he would be able to. He was going to get himself killed. She made a move to follow him when their comms activated.

"Colonel Sheppard we got gate activity!" Major Lorne's voice came over the radio. "Three wraith darts just came through."

Kai could hear the whine of the dart engines through the comm and moments later they were overhead. Kai tightened her jaw. Things were falling apart rapidly. The darts would start scanning for life signs and all they would find would be their men. Colonel Sheppard brought her with the keep an eye on Beckett, and as badly as she wanted to chase after Sheppard to watch his back she knew she should stay put rather than leave Teyla alone with Beckett and Ronon.

"We should get back inside," Teyla called as a dart zipped overhead. She turned back to face Beckett and Kai.

The three of them turned to see Ronon was gone, as were his weapons and armor. 

Kai swore and stuck her head into the cave. She could hear his nearly silent movement across the rock and gravel cave floor. He had promised to help them find Ford. He also knew this planet better than any of them and stood the best chance of getting them Ford, finding McKay and helping Sheppard. Not necessarily in that order.

She turned back to Teyla. "Stay with Beckett!" she yelled and she tore off through the cave after Ronon. 

Teyla let out a tired sigh and activated her comm. "Colonel, Ronon's gone. There was a back way out of the cave. Kai is in pursuit," she added grimacing slightly. She knew how badly the Colonel would take it and she hated being the bearer of bad news.


John pushed himself as he ran in the last direction he had heard gun fire. It had been sporadic and undisciplined. It had to be McKay. No marine would discharge his firearm so recklessly. He couldn't miss out on this chance to find McKay and hopefully Ford in the process. McKay had to be shooting at something.

Things were going from bad to worse. Kai was out here on her own chasing after Dex. It wasn't that she couldn't defend herself, he knew better than anyone how good she was, but it was pitch black and too many people were running around with itchy trigger fingers on an alien planet with Wraith buzzing overhead. For most of the marines on the planet this was their first time off world. The laundry list of all the things that could possibly go wrong made his stomach turn.

He didn't want to think about what could happen if Kai found Ford before he did. There was no telling if Ronon would fight with her, or turn on her to escape on his own. Kai had ended up in a coma after her last one-on-one encounter against Ford. Even her injuries on the Wraith planet had technically been in the pursuit of Ford. John's jaw clenched, Ford wasn't her problem and certainly wasn't worth her risking herself again. He never should have brought her here. He should have taken the chance with one of the female marines and left Kai working in the jumper bay. As much as he tried to deny it, she was a distraction, and John Sheppard couldn't afford distractions.

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