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Common Ground Cont.

No one had moved since the screen went black. The silence hung heavy in the air of the control room. It felt like everyone was holding their breath.

"If he's fed upon again, he's as good as dead," Carson said, breaking the silence as he stepped in front of the group. Carson's words went over the group like cold water, forcing them to face the reality of John's situation. 

McKay's eyes flickered worriedly to where Kai stood. Her back was straight and her hands were still gripped into fists, but there were still tears on her cheeks. Kai never showed emotion let alone cried and seeing his strong friend so close to breaking down made McKay surprisingly protective. He swung back to Carson. "We don't know that," he hedged quickly.

Kai appreciated McKay's thoughtfulness but they all had watched the same footage. They all had seen the gray hair and deep age lines that were so much more prominent after the last feeding. It was miraculous John had survived at all.

"Aye Rodney, we do," Carson responded. Carson's eyes flickered to Kai's face before he continued. He could see how painful this was for her, but the truth wouldn't break her. She was stronger than that. "He may already be past the point of no return."

Ronon's hand tightened on Kai's shoulder and she reached up and laid her hand over his, squeezing his hand back so he would know she appreciated his support.

"We know that a large percentage of those that survive a partial feeding die anyway. Due to complications as a result of the strain on the system. What appears as physical aging is actually a byproduct of a complex process we barely understand," Carson shook his head and met Elizabeth's gaze. "I can't imagine him surviving another session, whether it's two hours or ten hours from now."

Ronon turned a malevolent glare on Ladon. "If you were half the man Sheppard is-" he started to say and he stepped away from Kai, rounding on Ladon. "-you'd volunteer to make the trade yourself."

Ladon arched a brow, nodding as though he agreed with Ronon. "The truth is, I'm not sure whether or not I would have made the trade if our roles were reversed," he said honestly and he turned to Elizabeth, sincerity burning in his eyes. "So I ask you, allow what you have done for me to be worth something. There's nothing more I can do here. But I can get you the information you need to find Sheppard if you allow me to return and interrogate the men who stole the codes from me."

Elizabeth's jaw was tight, but she nodded. It made no sense to keep Ladon here anymore. Not when he might be able to find the answers.

Kai looked back and forth from Weir to Ladon in shock. They couldn't let him go. His presence was the only reason Kolya had to keep Sheppard alive.

Ladon smiled and turned to head down into the gate room. "My men and I will leave immediately."

"I'm going with you," Kai announced suddenly.

The whole room seemed to freeze and turned to face her. "Kai, I know you want-" Elizabeth started to reason.

Kai turned to face Elizabeth. "We are out of options. I won't stand here waiting for John's clock to run out. Ladon has men who need to be interrogated. I can almost guarantee you my...techniques...are far more likely to yield results than his," she said jerking her chin towards Ladon.

Ladon shrugged, but he didn't argue. "A Mortii is a far more effective motivator," he agreed.

Teyla and Elizabeth shared a horrified look. "I don't think-" Teyla started to say.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now