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Kai was groggy as she blinked her eyes open. She was laying in a hospital bed and there was a steady beeping nearby. The last time she had been in a hospital things hadn't gone well for her. The memories were welling up inside of her tearing through her like broken glass. Whatever they had given her made it difficult to think and focus. Memories of the past were dangerously distracting. She tore herself free of them, forcing herself to focus on the present.

Her awareness was coming back faster now and she tensed, rolling herself up to her shaky feet. She swayed, steadying herself on the bed beside her. Adrenaline shot through her system as she recognized how weak she was. She needed to get somewhere safe where she could heal.

"Wait, wait!" a strangely accented voice called loudly from across the room, making Kai flinch. "You're fine. You're safe."

Tubes and wires were connected to her pulling at her like angry hands, making her feel claustrophobic. She had to blink a few times to clear her hazy vision. She looked around in confusion. A tall man with a warm smile suddenly stood before her. He was holding his hands up so she would know he wasn't a threat. But Kai wasn't wearing any of her gear anymore, she was entirely unarmed, and that made everything feel like a threat. She was wearing a loose white hospital gown. Her scarf had been removed from her head and face and was now draped loosely around her shoulders.

"You're safe," he repeated again. "You're in the infirmary. You're very ill," the man's voice was soothing.

Looking around Kai could see that she was in fact in an infirmary, but it was more advanced than any she had ever seen. She remembered then her new friends from Atlantis who had promised her medical help. She had been adamant they not bring her here, but it seemed when she had lost conscious they had gone against her wishes. She had been careful not to ask too many details of their homeworld. She hadn't wanted them to feel like she was a threat. Now she was regretting that decision. Any information about her location would help her assess the severity of her situation. She may have evaded the Wraith, but that didn't mean Atlantis wasn't just as dangerous to someone like her.

"Aye, there you go," Doctor Beckett said as he watched the woman slowly relax. "I know you've been through a lot, but you're safe here. I promise you."

Kai nodded slowly, exaggerating how out of it she was as she quickly assessed her surroundings. There were four possible exits. The most obvious of which was the glass double doors approximately seven yards to her right. There were two uniformed men in position on either side of them. Their uniforms confirmed this was Atlantis. Though the closest, the guards presence would make that exit the most difficult. She wasn't up for a fight just yet.

Finally, she met the man's eyes. His smile was warm and stretched across his entire face. "Would you be willing to sit and let me take a look at you?" he asked, gesturing back to the bed.

Kai nodded slowly. She was still tense, but with no visible threat she knew the best she could do was let the man help her. He was wearing a white lab coat and reminded her of the doctors from her own planet. It was after all what she had bargained for. She frowned as she remembered the bargain she had made. She was fairly certain she had completed dismantling the Wraith with their Doctor Zelenka, but the last hour before she had lost consciousness was foggy at best. Given the Atlantian's had gotten what they wanted she was surprised to have woken up at all. In her world she would have received nothing for her trouble but a bullet in the head.

The Doctor reached up and touched his ear piece. "Doctor Weir," he called into it. "Our guest has woken."

Kai's hearing was sharp enough she was able to hear the leader of Atlantis's reply over the personal comm. "Understood Carson. I'm on my way."

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