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It's record lows here -42 wind chill so I'm at home and you guys get an update!

Thank you all so much for the incredible support! It's so great to know other people are enjoying Kai and John's story.

Happy Reading!

The Defiant One

Kai spent the next few weeks as she was healing working in the east pier. It had flooded during the storm and she and Zelenka worked to repair some of the damaged systems so they could beginning pumping the water out of the lower levels. The hope was that once it was clear of water they could get teams in to assess the damage and take inventory of the labs.

Kai found it oddly peaceful working in the abandoned sections of the city. She was forever grateful that despite all that had happened Doctor Zelenka's treatment of her had never wavered. He really was a brilliant scientist who had a knack for being able to focus entirely on the job in front of them, seeming not to care about her past at all. He appreciated her skills with machines and was happy to explain to her what she didn't understand so she could continue to work as his assistant.

They were only halfway through their work on the east pier however when Doctor Zelenka was pulled off the project by Doctor McKay. An ancient Lantian satellite had been discovered orbiting another planet in their solar system. Doctor Zelenka's expertise was needed on the team as they assessed its purpose and value. This was one area where Kai couldn't assist him, and she found herself with free time for perhaps the first time in her life.

She had resumed running in the gym shortly after the Genii's attack. However, with extra time she couldn't help feeling like running just wasn't enough. She had allowed herself to become complacent in Atlantis before and it wasn't a mistake she would make again. Just because she wasn't on the military side of the expedition didn't mean she would never face another military situation. If she wanted to be of help she needed to be prepared for all eventualities.

It was shortly after dawn and Kai found Teyla meditating in the training room. The doors hissed open revealing the Athosian sitting cross-legged in the beam of sunlight that streamed through the large stained glass window.

Teyla looked up and surprise flickered in her kind eyes when she saw Kai fidgeting nervously in the doorway.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," Kai said quickly and turned to go.

"Kai," Teyla called after her. "It is quite all right. I was finished," she said kindly as she stood up in an effortlessly graceful motion. "What can I do for you?" she asked curiously.

Kai pressed her lips together, suddenly feeling self conscious. It wasn't in her nature to ask for help, or bother anyone else. This was dangerously close to asking for a favor.

"Is everything all right?" Teyla asked taking another step closer to her. Kai tensed and Teyla cocked her head to the side as her eyes swept over the smaller woman. She wasn't wearing her science uniform, but rather soft clothes she would normally wear for working out.

"I was hoping to spar this morning..." Teyla said conversationally as she turned away from Kai and walked deeper into the room. She hoped presenting her back to Kai would put the other woman more at her ease. "But it seems Major Sheppard is occupied with his duties today." Teyla could feel how uncomfortable the other woman was, but since Kai hadn't outright refused yet she assumed she was on the right track. "Would you care to join me?" she asked warmly turning back around.

Kai had taken a couple steps into the room, but froze once more, looking around the warmly lit practice room. "I-" she started to say.

Teyla could see the other woman's indecision. Kai was not one to ask for anything. She gave of her time and skills freely, but seemed hesitant to impose anything that could be considered a burden on others. "You would be doing me a favor," Teyla added and she had her.

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