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Hello All! I hope you are all well! Here's another update for you. I would love to hear what you think about Kai and John's original adventure together! This update got a little long, but I couldn't bear to cut any of it out! 

Happy Reading!


A buzz of static in her ear woke Kai early the next morning. "Sheppard," she called. Her muscles ached and she was freezing as she pushed herself into a sitting position.

John reached down and activated his radio. "This is Sheppard come in."

Only static came back. He strode quickly towards the cave entrance. "This is Sheppard, do you read?"

There was another crackle of static and Major Lorne's voice came over their comms. "Colonel, good to hear your voice. We are two-zero minutes out from the planet. Heard you might need a ride."

John let out a breath of relief as he turned back to face Kai. "If you got room," he joked. "We are about six klicks south of the gate. Should be able to pick us up on the HUD."

Major Lorne snorted. "We're on our way sir."

"Is Beckett with you?" John asked.

"No sir, but Walker is with, he's a corpsman. Are you injured, sir?"

"Not me, Zian," John replied turning back to face Kai. He couldn't be sure, but he thought she might look a little paler than before. He could see a light sheen of sweat on her skin in the dim light.

"Understood,sir. I'll radio when we are on our approach."

"Our rides here," he said turning back to Kai. He couldn't tell if it was relief or hunger that made him so lightheaded. But sitting in this cave for another day watching Kai starve would have driven him insane.

Twenty minutes later Kai turned her head towards the cave entrance. "Here they come." She said.

John believed her, though he couldn't hear a thing. He stepped outside just in time to see the jumper decloak. The ramp hissed as it opened and Major Lorne, McKay, and Corpsman Walker walked down the ramp towards him.

Major Lorne strode to Sheppard. "Colonel," he said with a brisk nod.

"Lorne," John greeted.

"You look like hell," Rodney commented as he looked Sheppard up and down. "Are you sure you're uninjured?" He asked with a frown.

"I'm fine," John responded indignantly, "just been a few days without a shower."

"No kidding," Rodney said looking slightly disgusted.

"Nice of you to come Rodney," John snapped sarcastically.

"Of course," Rodney responded, as usual he was completely unaffected by the Colonel's sarcasm.

John turned to Lorne. "It's good you came when you did, we were running out of weapons."

"Yeah and food," Rodney responded shaking his head in horror.

"That too," John agreed. "Although Zian and I were pretty concerned about the weapons with all the Wraith around. Don't suppose you picked up a pizza on the way?"

"Sorry sir, we were in a bit of a hurry. But we have some mighty tasty MRE's on board."

"Oh well," John said with a shrug. "At this point, anything sounds good." He led the way back into the cave.

Kai had heard the entire conversation. While the colonel had been out she had managed to shove herself to her feet. She was standing against the wall, her fists clenched in a death grip as she fought to regulate her breath. The pain in her ribs was still radiating through her, but it was her leg that had caused black spots to cross her vision. The muscle refused to work and it felt tight.

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