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Conversion Cont.

Beckett called everyone into his office. Beckett, Weir, Teyla, and McKay all gathered around his desk while Kai and Ronon stood towards the back. Kai was anxious to hear more details about Beckett's plan. She would do whatever was necessary to help heal John.

She also hoped however, that Beckett wouldn't tell the others about the possible Bond between her and Sheppard. She had been working hard to pretend it wasn't there, but it was becoming increasingly hard to ignore it. If John survived she didn't know what would happen.

She was terrified of the prospect of having to discuss it with not only him, but also the others when she understood so little about it. From what she understood it was a biological reaction of her people, and not one accepted by the Grand Council or the Academy. In all her decades of service she had personally never met a Bonded pair. Of course, the far more terrifying prospect was that if they lost John it wouldn't matter.

Beckett's face was grim as he addressed the room. "I'm sorry it just came to me. The fact that his mutation has progressed as far as it has maybe his salvation."

Weir crossed her arms over her chest frowning. "Explain that."

"His sweat glads as actually producing trace amounts of the Iratus bug pheromone," Beckett said.

"And?" Weir pushed.

Beckett sighed. "When we were in the cave. Those bugs knew we didn't belong there so they didn't really fancy us getting close to their nest."

McKay perked up, snapping his fingers excitedly. "Whoa whoa whoa I see where you're going with this," McKay interrupted. His mind already spinning through all the possible scenarios. "If we can artificially create the pheromone we might be able to confuse them enough to leave us alone."

"Aye, that would work," Beckett agreed hesitantly.

"Well that's an excellent plan Carson," McKay congratulated, though he sounded vaguely surprised.

"I wish it was," Beckett replied grimly.

"You can't do that in time," Ronon filled in.

Beckett looked apologetically at everyone in the room. "No, it would take days."

"But you said Sheppard only has twenty four hours before the damage the retrovisus causes will be irreparable," Weir said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Aye that's correct."

"Then that's a terrible plan Carson," McKay snapped exasperatedly.

"There's only one person on this base who wouldn't need the artificial pheromone."

"Sheppard?" Weir asked in disbelief.

Beckett knew his idea was a long shot, but he needed Weir to understand it was their only option. "Aye. He could walk right in that cave and those bugs wouldn't pay him any mind."

"I don't know if you've noticed but Colonel Sheppard isn't feeling very well," McKay snapped sarcastically.

Beckett shot Rodney an exasperated look. "He stopped taking the inhibitor, but it was able to keep him lucid."

Kai cleared her throat. "I thought it's effectiveness had worn off," she pointed out. She wanted this plan to work, but she wasn't following Beckett's logic. Sheppard wasn't in control anymore which meant there was a piece she was missing.

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