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Kai walked towards her quarters feeling a little like she was going to the gallows. She couldn't imagine what Teyla had left for her. Ronon was a silent shadow. His silence wasn't strange, he had never been extremely chatty, neither of them had, but there was an eeriness to him now. An intensity that was normally only reserved for his hatred of the wraith was now entirely focused on his desire to please Lucius. When they made the plan, not a single scenario had involved her having a Satedan bodyguard watching her every move.

Kai opened the door to her quarters and Ronon followed. Under any normal circumstances Ronon would never enter uninvited. Now however he took up a position leaning against her dresser and watched her, just like Lucius had instructed.

Kai approached her bed and suppressed a groan knowing one of Lucius's happy little followers would never complain about something he liked. Teyla had left her the most revealing outfit she owned. It was a swoop neck crop top and long skirt, but the skirt had slits that run all the way up to the top. Kai forced herself to smile so Ronon wouldn't suspect she was anything but madly in love with Lucius.

"I think Lucius will like this very much," Kai said with forced brightness.

Ronon nodded. "Much more than all that," he said gesturing to Kai's current outfit. Kai fought the urge to scoff. Ronon had never once noticed anything anyone was wearing until Lucius had told him to pay attention. Her current outfit already showed more skin that she had ever exposed in public before.

The comm in Kai's ear activated. "Kai, buttercup, will you be a doll and fetch some bread and water for The Colonel? He's going to be in the dungeon for a long time and I just hate the thought of him starving down here."

Kai sighed and put on her brightest smile and high pleasant voice. "Of course Lucius, anything for you."

Kai snatched up the clothes and hustled into the bathroom. She stripped out of her clothes and pulled on the new, much more revealing outfit. She was shorter than Teyla so the skirt brushed the ground as she moved. The slits in the skirt run up to the tops of her thighs. If she took smaller steps she could keep her legs concealed but if she had to fight at all it was going to take effort not to flash everyone. To make matters worse the top was smaller than the halter she had worn, barely covering more than a sports bra.

She slid on her normal knee high boots. She picked up her belt with her Blades on it and wrapped it around her waist. Without loops to stabilize it the belt sat at an angle but it was better than going without. She would be able to reach her blades if necessary.

She came out of the bathroom and Ronon stood, prepared to follow. Kai went down to the mess hall and put together a plate of bread and a glass of water, then went to down to the cells. When they got there Lorne nodded to them.

"Lucius said I should expect you," Lorne said from outside the door.

Kai nodded. "He asked me to bring the prisoner some food."

"Of course," Lorne said and he opened the door for Ronon and Kai.

John looked up as the two of them stepped into the room. Lucius has mentioned sending Kai down, but Ronon was an exciting surprise. His presence was going to complicate matters. The door slid shut behind them, leaving just the three of them alone.

"Ronon, would you open the cell?" Kai asked.

"I don't think-" Ronon started to say.

"Ronon," Kai said firmly. "Lucius asked me to give this to Colonel Sheppard and my hands are full. Please open the gate."

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now