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Hello friends! So the incredible amount of votes and comments on the last update motivated me to kick it in the butt and get the next one out. I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Reading!

Coup D'Etat Cont.

Instead of catching up with Ronon and Teyla to continue the search for Kai and the missing team John found himself traveling through the underground tunnels of the Genii. He and Elizabeth had agreed to warn Cowen, the current leader of the Genii about Ladon's plans. What John hadn't realized was that Elizabeth would pick him and McKay to be the ones to deliver the news.

"You know," McKay said, his voice tight with stress. "I'm not sure you've sufficiently trained me in actual combat. I don't know how much use I'd be in a fight-our-way-out kind of scenario."

John shot McKay a look of disbelief, but the dark tunnels made it impossible for him to see it.  "Well," he said his voice completely serious. "I look at it this way. The Genii have tried to kidnap you on multiple occasions to mine that big old brain of yours, right?"

"Yes..." Rodney dragged off, not sure he was going to like the direction this was going.

"Well," Sheppard said thoughtfully. "If we get into trouble, I'll just trade your life for mine."

"Funny," Mckay snapped.

"Don't worry. I'll mount some sort of rescue mission...eventually," John assured him still managing to keep a straight face. "Assuming you survive all the radiation exposure."

There was movement down the side junctions of the tunnels and John rounded towards the movement, putting himself between their possible attackers and McKay. McKay squeaked in surprise but composed himself as Cowen stepped out of the dark flanked by four soldiers.

"Doctor McKay," Cowen greeted. He turned to Sheppard. "And it's Lieutenant Colonel Sheppard now I hear."

"Somebody's been paying attention," John replied, forcing a pleasant smile on his face.

He hated Cowen. He would never forgive him for the first time they had met and the way he treated Kai. It seemed while the people of this galaxy feared the Mortii for their skills, they also regarded them as somehow less than human. Cowen had treated Kai as little more than a slave who could be won like a prize. John would never forgive him for it, but Elizabeth was right, they needed allies against the wraith. Even if those allies were Genii.

"I'm afraid I don't have much time. But please tell me, what can I do for you?" Cowen pressed impatiently.

John cleared his throat and kept his voice casual. "We were just checking in, saying hi since we really haven't been in contact since the last culling."

"We barely survived the last culling," Cowen said grimly. "I can't help thinking how close to extinction we came as a people. Our former ambitions have been tempered by the real world I'm afraid." He explained, almost sounding sincere. "We've been busy trying to fulfill our people's most basic needs."

"You know," McKay spoke up helpfully. "We could help with that."

"Yeah, with supplies, even manpower," Sheppard offered.

"Why would you do that?" Cowen asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, we probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the nukes you gave us, so we owe you one," John begrudgingly admitted. It was somehow reassuring to see Cowen didn't seem to trust him any more than he trusted Cowen. It felt more sincere. Had Cowen tried to pretend to be friends John would have suspected foul play immediately.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now