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Hello All! I hope you are doing well and staying healthy with all this craziness going on.

Happy Reading!


Kai ended up going up to the Daedalus to work with McKay and an Asgardian they had on board named Hermiod. Between McKay and Hermiod it was almost a contest for who was the more difficult to work with, but Kai found that despite their egos they were at least efficient. The three of them were working on the program that would allow them to beam a nuclear device on board Hive ships.

"It's pretty interesting stuff, eh?" McKay asked without looking up from his laptop. "I think I've learned more about Wraith technology in the last hour than I have in the last two years."

Kai was responsible for continuing to run her translation program while McKay worked on the program in English. She was still the best at reading Wraith out of the group. McKay hadn't shown much aptitude for the language. She wasn't certain and he certainly hadn't let on, but she didn't think Hermiod could read Wraith either. Not that the egotistical Asgardian would ever admit to such a thing. She was shocked to have finally found a being with a bigger ego than McKay.

"Oh come on, I understand you're an Asgard and everything but even you have to feel a bit of an adrenaline buzz," McKay called to Hermiod. 

Hermiod looked up at McKay, blinking his strange black eyes slowly. "My body does not possess the adrenal gland that produces epinephrine in your system. And even if I did, I would not be so easily impressed," he intoned and turned back to his work.

"I get it, I get it," McKay snapped. "You think you're smarter than I am. Are you ready to go or not?"

Hermiod tilted his head. "I have been for some time."

McKay grunted in annoyance, but didn't bother arguing with him. He turned to Kai. "Zian? Are you ready?"

"I've been waiting," Kai said, biting back her smile. She couldn't resist the chance to rib McKay, he always took himself far too seriously.

"Ha ha ha," McKay snapped sarcastically. "You two are hilarious."

Hermiod turned to face Kai, blinking his eyes at her. It was difficult to tell, but she thought maybe the Asgardian liked her.

McKay activated his comm. "This is McKay, give me an open channel to the Hive."

"You're live, go ahead."

McKay cleared his throat and when he spoke again his voice was a little lower and had more authority behind it. Kai shot him an incredulous look, but didn't say anything.

"This is Doctor Rodney McKay aboard the earth ship Daedalus. We would like, uh with your permission, to begin attempting to beam an innocuous container onto your ship while you are actively jamming. Uh, we are hoping through trial and error that we can slowly disarm or break the codes. May we proceed?" he asked, the last question softer and more in his own voice.

Surprisingly it was the Queen herself who answered. "You may begin Doctor McKay."

"Oh ah, thank you," he cut off the transmission. "That was weird," he said looking at Kai who nodded in agreement. "Shall we?" he asked.

Kai turned back to her computer. "Ready...now," she said and they activated their programs together.

Kai and McKay worked on board the Daedalus for several hours. As they worked Kai couldn't help noticing the stream of security men who seemed to randomly walk through their work station. After the third even Hermiod seemed to take notice. By the time the fifth one came through he asked about their business there. The security personnel stuttered over their words and made excuses before backing out of engineering.

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