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Hello everyone! Here's a new update! Please make sure you've read the previous chapter before starting this one. When I put it out earlier this week Wattpad's notifications didn't seem to be working quite right. 

Happy Reading! 


Conversion Cont.


Kai ran out the door determined to catch Sheppard, but when she turned the corner he was already gone. Without waiting for Elizabeth she ran for the control room. She had no idea where he would go and their only hope to find him was to get the internal sensors up and running.

"Rodney," Kai called into her radio as she sprinted through the hallways.

"McKay here," the prickly scientist replied, irritation coloring his tone.

"You need to pull up internal sensors and track Sheppard. He escaped and I've already lost him."

"On it," McKay's voice was already hard and focused and she could hear the click of the keyboard through her ear wig.

By the time she and Weir arrived McKay was already working furiously at one of the terminals. Colonel Caldwell was standing over his shoulder. The older man leveled a stormy glare at Kai, but Kai ignored him. Her entire focus was set on finding Sheppard before he did something to hurt himself or someone else.

Ronon however did notice. The large Satedan shot his own glare at the Colonel and stepped between him and Kai. Ronon's eyes landed on Kai's face and he stiffened. Whatever had happened when Sheppard escaped, there was a large red mark blooming on Kai's face. Ronon shifted his weight restlessly. Sheppard wasn't acting like himself. He had always been super protective of her since Ronon first arrived. It would kill Sheppard to know he had hurt her. They needed to find him before he did anything else he would regret.

Kai put her hand on the back of Rodney's chair and leaned down so she could clearly see the screen. Her face still stung, but she was fairly certain her cheekbone wasn't broken.

"Okay, I've got a lock on him," Rodney said, as his fingers flew over the key board. The tracking dot appeared on the overhead screen so everyone in the room could see.

Caldwell crossed his arms over his chest. "That can't be him, it's moving too fast."

Kai grunted. "That's him," she said without looking away from the screen.

Caldwell narrowed his eyes but Weir nodded in agreement. They were the only two who had seen him move in person who wasn't unconscious.

"All right four teams, surround him and close in. I want him stopped. And gentlemen," he said turning to the team leaders standing around him. "Use whatever force you deem necessary. Move out."

Kai went still, her eyes widening in shock. She met Elizabeth's gaze and Weir swung around to face the commanders. "You will only use such force, as a last resort," she ordered.

"That's not Sheppard any more ma'am," Caldwell said coldly. He was scowling at Weir as though she had descended into hysterics instead of the calm order she had given.

"You heard me," Elizabeth repeated confidently. Kai was thankful for her efforts but she knew that Caldwell's men would do as ordered, especially if they were afraid.

Ronon and Teyla followed the others out the door. Ronon hesitated. "You coming?" he asked Kai.

Kai glanced once at Caldwell who looked ready to argue but she stood and strode towards the door. "Yep," she responded before the military commander could order her to stop. She hesitated in the doorway, turning back to Weir. "I would lock down the Stargate. I don't know how lucid he is, but if he's thinking straight at all he might be trying to go after the eggs himself."

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